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The easiest way to get forestly is to install from CRAN:


Alternatively, to use a new feature or get a bug fix, you can install the development version of forestly from GitHub:

# install.packages("remotes")


The forestly package creates interactive forest plots for clinical trial analysis & reporting.

  • Safety analysis
    • Specific adverse events analysis
  • Efficacy analysis (future work)
    • Subgroup analysis

We assume ADaM datasets are ready for analysis and leverage metalite data structure to define inputs and outputs.


The general workflow is:

  1. meta_forestly() constructs input metadata for treatment analysis from ADaM datasets.
  2. prepare_ae_forestly() prepares datasets for interactive forest plot.
  3. format_ae_forestly() formats output layout.
  4. ae_forestly() generates an interactive forest plot.

Here is a quick example


  dataset_adsl = forestly_adsl,
  dataset_adae = forestly_adae,
  parameter_term = "any;rel;ser",
  population_subset = SAFFL == "Y",
  observation_subset = SAFFL == "Y"
) |>
  prepare_ae_forestly(parameter = "any;rel;ser") |>
  format_ae_forestly() |>

Interactive features

The interactive features for safety analysis include:

  • Select different AE criteria.
  • Filter by incidence of AE in one or more groups.
  • Reveal information by hovering the mouse over a data point.
  • Search bars to find subjects with selected adverse events (AEs).
  • Sort value by clicking the column header.
  • Drill-down listing by clicking \blacktriangleright.