Authors and Citation
Yilong Zhang. Author.
Xuan Deng. Author.
Keaven Anderson. Author.
Kornelius Rohmeyer. Contributor.
gMCP author -
Florian Klinglmueller. Contributor.
gMCP author -
gMCP project contributors. Copyright holder.
gMCP package -
Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates. Copyright holder.
Zhu Y, Zhang Y, Deng X, Anderson K, Xiao N (2024). gMCPLite: Lightweight Graph Based Multiple Comparison Procedures. R package version 0.1.5, https://github.com/Merck/gMCPLite, https://merck.github.io/gMCPLite/.
@Manual{, title = {gMCPLite: Lightweight Graph Based Multiple Comparison Procedures}, author = {Yalin Zhu and Yilong Zhang and Xuan Deng and Keaven Anderson and Nan Xiao}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 0.1.5, https://github.com/Merck/gMCPLite}, url = {https://merck.github.io/gMCPLite/}, }