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Create Baseline Characteristic Table

The baseline characteristic analysis aims to provide tables to summarize details of participants. The development of baseline characteristic analysis involves functions:

  • prepare_base_cha: prepare analysis raw datasets.
  • format_base_char: prepare analysis (mock) outdata with proper format.
  • rtf_base_char: transfer (mock) output dataset to RTF table.

Build a metadata

adsl <- r2rtf::r2rtf_adsl
adsl$TRTA <- adsl$TRT01A
adsl$TRTA <- factor(
  levels = c("Placebo", "Xanomeline Low Dose", "Xanomeline High Dose"),
  labels = c("Placebo", "Low Dose", "High Dose")
plan <- plan(
  analysis = "base_char",
  population = "apat",
  observation = "apat",
  parameter = "age;gender;race"
meta <- meta_adam(population = adsl,
                  observation = adsl) |>
  define_plan(plan = plan) |>
    name = "apat",
    group = "TRTA",
    subset = quote(SAFFL == "Y"),
    var = c("USUBJID", "TRTA", "SAFFL", "AGEGR1", "SEX", "RACE")
  ) |>
    name = "age",
    var = "AGE",
    label = "Age (years)",
    vargroup = "AGEGR1"
  ) |>
  define_parameter(name = "gender",
                   var = "SEX",
                   label = "Gender") |>
  define_parameter(name = "race",
                   var = "RACE",
                   label = "Race") |>
  define_analysis(name = "base_char",
                  title = "Participant Baseline Characteristics by Treatment Group",
                  label = "baseline characteristic table") |>

Analysis preparation

The input of the function prepare_base_char() is a meta object created by the metalite package.

outdata <- meta |>
  prepare_base_char(parameter = "age;gender;race")

## List of 14
##  $ meta           :List of 7
##  $ population     : chr "apat"
##  $ observation    : chr "apat"
##  $ parameter      : chr "age;gender;race"
##  $ n              :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ order          : NULL
##  $ group          : chr "TRTA"
##  $ reference_group: NULL
##  $ char_n         :List of 3
##  $ char_var       : chr [1:3] "AGE" "SEX" "RACE"
##  $ char_prop      :List of 3
##  $ var_type       :List of 3
##  $ group_label    : Factor w/ 3 levels "Placebo","Low Dose",..: 1 3 2
##  $ analysis       : chr "base_char"
##                         name n_1 n_2 n_3 n_9999 var_label
## 1 Participants in population  86  84  84    254     -----
## [[1]]
##        name        Placebo Low Dose   High Dose    Total   var_label
## 1       <65             14        8          11       33 Age (years)
## 2       >80             30       29          18       77 Age (years)
## 3     65-80             42       47          55      144 Age (years)
## 4      <NA>           <NA>     <NA>        <NA>     <NA> Age (years)
## 5      Mean           75.2     75.7        74.4     75.1 Age (years)
## 6        SD            8.6      8.3         7.9      8.2 Age (years)
## 7        SE            0.9      0.9         0.9      0.5 Age (years)
## 8    Median           76.0     77.5        76.0     77.0 Age (years)
## 9       Min           52.0     51.0        56.0     51.0 Age (years)
## 10      Max           89.0     88.0        88.0     89.0 Age (years)
## 11 Q1 to Q3 69.25 to 81.75 71 to 82 70.75 to 80 70 to 81 Age (years)
## 12    Range       52 to 89 51 to 88    56 to 88 51 to 89 Age (years)
## [[2]]
##   name Placebo Low Dose High Dose Total var_label
## 1    F      53       50        40   143    Gender
## 2    M      33       34        44   111    Gender
## [[3]]
##                               name Placebo Low Dose High Dose Total var_label
## 1 AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE       0        0         1     1      Race
## 2        BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN       8        6         9    23      Race
## 3                            WHITE      78       78        74   230      Race
## [1] "AGE"  "SEX"  "RACE"
## [[1]]
##        name  Placebo Low Dose High Dose    Total   var_label
## 1       <65 16.27907  9.52381  13.09524 12.99213 Age (years)
## 2       >80 34.88372 34.52381  21.42857 30.31496 Age (years)
## 3     65-80 48.83721 55.95238  65.47619 56.69291 Age (years)
## 4      <NA>       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 5      Mean       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 6        SD       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 7        SE       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 8    Median       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 9       Min       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 10      Max       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 11 Q1 to Q3       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 12    Range       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## [[2]]
##   name  Placebo Low Dose High Dose    Total var_label
## 1    F 61.62791 59.52381  47.61905 56.29921    Gender
## 2    M 38.37209 40.47619  52.38095 43.70079    Gender
## [[3]]
##                               name   Placebo  Low Dose High Dose      Total
## 1 AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE  0.000000  0.000000  1.190476  0.3937008
## 2        BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN  9.302326  7.142857 10.714286  9.0551181
## 3                            WHITE 90.697674 92.857143 88.095238 90.5511811
##   var_label
## 1      Race
## 2      Race
## 3      Race

Format the numbers

format_base_char to prepare analysis dataset before generate RTF output

outdata <-
  outdata |> format_base_char(display_col = c("n", "prop", "total"),
                              digits_prop = 2)

##                                name            n_1     p_1      n_2     p_2
## 1        Participants in population             86    <NA>       84    <NA>
## 2                               <65             14 (16.28)        8  (9.52)
## 3                               >80             30 (34.88)       29 (34.52)
## 4                             65-80             42 (48.84)       47 (55.95)
## 5                              <NA>           <NA>    <NA>     <NA>    <NA>
## 6                              Mean           75.2    <NA>     75.7    <NA>
## 7                                SD            8.6    <NA>      8.3    <NA>
## 8                                SE            0.9    <NA>      0.9    <NA>
## 9                            Median           76.0    <NA>     77.5    <NA>
## 10                         Q1 to Q3 69.25 to 81.75    <NA> 71 to 82    <NA>
## 11                            Range       52 to 89    <NA> 51 to 88    <NA>
## 12                                F             53 (61.63)       50 (59.52)
## 13                                M             33 (38.37)       34 (40.48)
## 14 AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE              0  (0.00)        0  (0.00)
## 15        BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              8  (9.30)        6  (7.14)
## 16                            WHITE             78 (90.70)       78 (92.86)
##            n_3     p_3   n_9999  p_9999   var_label
## 1           84    <NA>      254    <NA>       -----
## 2           11 (13.10)       33 (12.99) Age (years)
## 3           18 (21.43)       77 (30.31) Age (years)
## 4           55 (65.48)      144 (56.69) Age (years)
## 5         <NA>    <NA>     <NA>    <NA> Age (years)
## 6         74.4    <NA>     75.1    <NA> Age (years)
## 7          7.9    <NA>      8.2    <NA> Age (years)
## 8          0.9    <NA>      0.5    <NA> Age (years)
## 9         76.0    <NA>     77.0    <NA> Age (years)
## 10 70.75 to 80    <NA> 70 to 81    <NA> Age (years)
## 11    56 to 88    <NA> 51 to 89    <NA> Age (years)
## 12          40 (47.62)      143 (56.30)      Gender
## 13          44 (52.38)      111 (43.70)      Gender
## 14           1  (1.19)        1  (0.39)        Race
## 15           9 (10.71)       23  (9.06)        Race
## 16          74 (88.10)      230 (90.55)        Race
outdata <-
  outdata |> format_base_char(display_col = c("n", "prop"), digits_prop = 3)

##                                name            n_1      p_1      n_2      p_2
## 1        Participants in population             86     <NA>       84     <NA>
## 2                               <65             14 (16.279)        8  (9.524)
## 3                               >80             30 (34.884)       29 (34.524)
## 4                             65-80             42 (48.837)       47 (55.952)
## 5                              <NA>           <NA>     <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
## 6                              Mean           75.2     <NA>     75.7     <NA>
## 7                                SD            8.6     <NA>      8.3     <NA>
## 8                                SE            0.9     <NA>      0.9     <NA>
## 9                            Median           76.0     <NA>     77.5     <NA>
## 10                         Q1 to Q3 69.25 to 81.75     <NA> 71 to 82     <NA>
## 11                            Range       52 to 89     <NA> 51 to 88     <NA>
## 12                                F             53 (61.628)       50 (59.524)
## 13                                M             33 (38.372)       34 (40.476)
## 14 AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE              0  (0.000)        0  (0.000)
## 15        BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              8  (9.302)        6  (7.143)
## 16                            WHITE             78 (90.698)       78 (92.857)
##            n_3      p_3   var_label
## 1           84     <NA>       -----
## 2           11 (13.095) Age (years)
## 3           18 (21.429) Age (years)
## 4           55 (65.476) Age (years)
## 5         <NA>     <NA> Age (years)
## 6         74.4     <NA> Age (years)
## 7          7.9     <NA> Age (years)
## 8          0.9     <NA> Age (years)
## 9         76.0     <NA> Age (years)
## 10 70.75 to 80     <NA> Age (years)
## 11    56 to 88     <NA> Age (years)
## 12          40 (47.619)      Gender
## 13          44 (52.381)      Gender
## 14           1  (1.190)        Race
## 15           9 (10.714)        Race
## 16          74 (88.095)        Race

Output as RTF

rtf_base_char to generate RTF output

outdata |> rtf_base_char(
  source = "Source: [CDISCpilot: adam-adsl]",
  path_outdata = tempfile(fileext = ".Rdata"),
  path_outtable = "base_char.rtf"
## The outdata is saved in/tmp/Rtmp5CkYJa/file18aa2b2ccfda.Rdata
## The output is saved in/home/runner/work/

Create Baseline Characteristic Table for Subgroup Analysis

The baseline characteristic subgroup analysis aims to provide tables to summarize details of participants by subgroup. The development of baseline characteristic subgroup analysis involves functions:

Build a metadata

adsl <- r2rtf::r2rtf_adsl
adsl$TRTA <- adsl$TRT01A
adsl$TRTA <- factor(
  levels = c("Placebo", "Xanomeline Low Dose", "Xanomeline High Dose"),
  labels = c("Placebo", "Low Dose", "High Dose")
plan <- plan(
  analysis = "base_char",
  population = "apat",
  observation = "apat",
  parameter = "age;gender;race"
) |>
    analysis = "base_char_subgroup",
    population = "apat",
    observation = "apat",
    parameter = "age"
meta <- meta_adam(population = adsl,
                  observation = adsl) |>
  define_plan(plan = plan) |>
    name = "apat",
    group = "TRTA",
    subset = quote(SAFFL == "Y"),
    var = c("USUBJID", "TRTA", "SAFFL", "AGEGR1", "SEX", "RACE")
  ) |>
    name = "age",
    var = "AGE",
    label = "Age (years)",
    vargroup = "AGEGR1"
  ) |>
  define_parameter(name = "gender",
                   var = "SEX",
                   label = "Gender") |>
  define_parameter(name = "race",
                   var = "RACE",
                   label = "Race") |>
  define_analysis(name = "base_char",
                  title = "Participant Baseline Characteristics by Treatment Group",
                  label = "baseline characteristic table") |>
  define_analysis(name = "base_char_subgroup",
                  title = "Participant by Age Category and Sex",
                  label = "baseline characteristic sub group table") |>

Analysis preparation

meta <- meta_sl_example()

The input of the function prepare_base_char_subgroup() is a meta object created by the metalite package.

The output of the function is an outdata object containing a list of analysis raw datasets. Key arguments are:

  • subgroup_var: a character value of subgroup variable name in observation data saved in meta$data_observation.
  • subgroup_header: a character vector for column header hierarchy. The first element will be the first level header and the second element will be second level header.
outdata <- prepare_base_char_subgroup(
  population = "apat",
  parameter = "age",
  subgroup_var = "TRTA",
  subgroup_header = c("SEX", "TRTA"),
  display_subgroup_total = TRUE

The output dataset contains commonly used statistics within each subgroup_var.

outdata$out_all$`High Dose`
outdata$out_all$`Low Dose`

The information about subgroup saved with outdata$group and outdata$subgroup.


n_pop: participants in population within each subgroup_var.

outdata$out_all$`High Dose`$n
outdata$out_all$`Low Dose`$n

Format output

format_base_char_subgroup to prepare analysis dataset before generate RTF output

tbl <- format_base_char_subgroup(outdata)

Output as RTF

rtf_base_char_subgroup to generate RTF output

outdata |>
  format_base_char_subgroup() |>
    source = "Source:  [CDISCpilot: adam-adsl]",
    path_outdata = tempfile(fileext = ".Rdata"),
    path_outtable = "base_char_subgroup.rtf"