Prepare data for exposure duration table
Prepare data for exposure duration table
analysis = "exp_dur",
population = meta$plan[meta$plan$analysis == analysis, ]$population,
parameter = paste(meta$plan[meta$plan$analysis == analysis, ]$parameter, collapse =
- meta
A metadata object created by metalite.
- analysis
A character value of analysis term name. The term name is used as key to link information.
- population
A character value of population term name. The term name is used as key to link information.
- parameter
A character value of parameter term name. The term name is used as key to link information.
meta <- meta_sl_exposure_example()
meta |> prepare_exp_duration()
#> List of 14
#> $ meta :List of 7
#> $ population : chr "apat"
#> $ observation : chr "apat"
#> $ parameter : chr "expdur"
#> $ n :'data.frame': 1 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ order : NULL
#> $ group : chr "TRTA"
#> $ reference_group: NULL
#> $ char_n :List of 1
#> $ char_var : chr "AVAL"
#> $ char_prop :List of 1
#> $ var_type :List of 1
#> $ group_label : Factor w/ 3 levels "Placebo","Low Dose",..: 1 3 2
#> $ analysis : chr "exp_dur"