Display interactive disposition tables with AE subgroup analysis
Display interactive disposition tables with AE subgroup analysis
analysis = "disp",
trtvar = "trt01a",
population = metadata_sl$plan$population[metadata_sl$plan$analysis == analysis],
sl_parameter = paste(metadata_sl$plan$parameter[metadata_sl$plan$analysis == analysis],
collapse = ";"),
sl_col_selected = NULL,
sl_col_names = NULL,
ae_observation = "wk24",
ae_population = population,
ae_col_selected = NULL,
ae_col_names = NULL,
display_total = TRUE,
width = 1200
- metadata_sl
A metadata created by metalite, which builds the baseline characteristic table
- metadata_ae
A metadata created by metalite, which builds the AE subgroup specific table
- analysis
The analysis label provided in
.- trtvar
A character that indicate variable for the treatment group.
- population
A character value of population term name. The term name is used as key to link information.
- sl_parameter
A character value of parameter term name for the baseline characteristic table. The term name is used as key to link information.
- sl_col_selected
A character vector of variable which will be shown in the participant detail.
- sl_col_names
A character vector for the columns names of the participant detail. Same length as sl_col_selected.
- ae_observation
The meta parameter of the observation in adverse event listing.
- ae_population
The meta parameter of the population in adverse event listing.
- ae_col_selected
A character vector of variable which will be shown in the AE detail.
- ae_col_names
A character vector for the columns names of the AE detail. Same length as ae_col_selected.
- display_total
Display total column or not.
- width
A numeric value of width of the table in pixels.
if (interactive()) {
metadata_sl = meta_sl_example(),
metadata_ae = metalite.ae::meta_ae_example()