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Create dummy dataset to illustrate psm3mkv





Dataset name, as follows:

  • flexbosms provides a dataset based on flexsurv::bosms3(). This contains all the fields necessary for psm3mkv. Durations have been converted from months in the original dataset to weeks.

  • pharmaonc provides a dataset based on pharmaverseadam::adsl and pharmaverseadam::adrs_onco to demonstrate how this package can be used with ADaM ADTTE datasets.

  • survcan provides a dataset based on survival::cancer(). This contains the necessary ID and overall survival fields only. Durations have been converted from days in the original dataset to weeks. You will additionally need to supply PFS and TTP data (fields pfs.durn, pfs.flag, ttp.durn and ttp.flag) to use psm3mkv.


Tibble dataset, for use with psm3mkv functions


create_dummydata("survcan") |> head()
#>   ptid   os.durn os.flag
#> 1    1  43.71429       1
#> 2    2  65.00000       1
#> 3    3 144.28571       0
#> 4    4  30.00000       1
#> 5    5 126.14286       1
#> 6    6 146.00000       0
create_dummydata("flexbosms") |> head()
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>    ptid pfs.durn pfs.flag os.durn os.flag ttp.durn ttp.flag
#>   <int>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1     1   18.7          1   42.9        1   18.7          1
#> 2     2   12.0          1   23.3        1   12.0          1
#> 3     3    0.452        1    8.81       1    0.452        1
#> 4     4    9.07         1   52.7        1    9.07         1
#> 5     5   47.7          0   47.7        0   47.7          0
#> 6     6    3.26         1   13.1        1    3.26         1
create_dummydata("pharmaonc") |> head()
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   ptid        ttp.durn ttp.flag pfs.durn pfs.flag os.durn os.flag
#>   <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 01-701-1015    25.9         0    25.9         0   25.9        0
#> 2 01-701-1023     4           0     4           0    4          0
#> 3 01-701-1028     6           1     6           1   25.6        0
#> 4 01-701-1033     3.86        0     3.86        0    3.86       0
#> 5 01-701-1034    26           0    26           0   26          0
#> 6 01-701-1047     7.71        0     7.71        0    7.71       0