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We consider fixed and group sequential design under non-proportional hazards when testing with the logrank test. We focus primarily on the average hazard ratio approach, expanding the asymptotic approach of Mukhopadhyay et al. (2020) to both group sequential design and more complex enrollment assumptions. The theoretical background for this is provided in other vignettes in this package. We provide a few basic examples along the lines of Lin et al. (2020) for illustration of design considerations under the following assumptions:

  1. Proportional hazards
  2. Short delayed effect
  3. Longer delayed effect
  4. Crossing survival

Illustrations include

  1. Expected average hazard ratio (AHR) over time.
  2. Expected event accumulation over time.
  3. The impact of planned study duration on required number of events.
  4. Power across scenarios when a trial is designed under the assumption of a short delayed effect.
  5. Timing of interim analyses.
  6. \(\alpha\)-spending considerations.

We focus on results rather than code, but hidden code can be revealed for all examples.

Packages used

The primary packages needed is gsDesign2. Other packages used are supportive.


Expected enrollment duration is 18 months with piecewise constant enrollment rates escalating every 2 months until month 6 where enrollment is assumed to have reached steady state. We will later assume a similar ramp-up period with 24 months expected enrollment duration.

# Set the enrollment table of totally 24 month
enroll24 <- define_enroll_rate(
  duration = c(rep(2, 3), 18), # 6 month ramp-up of enrollment, 24 months enrollment time target
  rate = 1:4 # ratio of the enrollment rate
# Adjust enrollment rates to enroll 100 subjects
enroll24$rate <- enroll24$rate * 100 / sum(enroll24$duration * enroll24$rate)

# Set the enrollment table for 18 month expected enrollment
enroll18 <- define_enroll_rate(
  duration = c(rep(2, 3), 12), # 6 month ramp-up of enrollment, 18 months enrollment time target
  rate = 1:4 # ratio of the enrollment rate
# Adjust enrollment rates to enroll 100 subjects
enroll18$rate <- enroll18$rate * 100 / sum(enroll18$duration * enroll18$rate)

# Put these in a single tibble by scenario
# We will use 18 month enrollment for delayed effect and crossing hazards scenarios
enroll_rate <- rbind(
  enroll18 %>% mutate(Scenario = "PH"),
  enroll18 %>% mutate(Scenario = "Shorter delayed effect"),
  enroll18 %>% mutate(Scenario = "Longer delayed effect"),
  enroll18 %>% mutate(Scenario = "Crossing")

We will consider the following failure rate assumptions:

  • PH: Proportional hazards is assumed.
    • Control group has exponential failure rate with a median of 14 months.
    • Constant hazard ratio of 0.7 (experimental/control).
  • Shorter delayed effect
    • Control group has exponential failure rate with a median of 10 months.
    • Hazard ratio of 1 for 6 months followed by a hazard ratio of 0.6.
  • Longer delayed effect
    • Control group has exponential failure rate with a median of 10 months.
    • Hazard ratio of 1 for 6 months followed by a hazard ratio of 0.6.
  • Crossing hazards
    • Control group has exponential failure rate with a median of 10 months.
    • Hazard ratio of 1.5 for 4 months followed by a hazard ratio of 0.5.
month <- c(0, 4, 6, 44)
duration <- month - c(0, month[1:3])
control_rate <- log(2) / c(rep(16, 4), rep(14, 4), rep(14, 4))
s <- tibble(
  Scenario = c(rep("PH", 4), rep("Delayed effect", 4), rep("Crossing", 4)),
  Treatment = rep("Control", 12),
  Month = rep(month, 3),
  duration = rep(duration, 3),
  rate = control_rate,
  hr = c(rep(.7, 4), c(1, 1, 1, .575), c(1.5, 1.5, .5, .5))

s <- rbind(
  s %>% mutate(Treatment = "Experimental", rate = rate * hr)
) %>%
  group_by(Scenario, Treatment) %>%
  mutate(Survival = exp(-cumsum(duration * rate)))
ggplot(s, aes(x = Month, y = Survival, col = Scenario, lty = Treatment)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = (1:10) / 10, lim = c(.1, 1)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 42, 6))

# get 4 scenarios
control_median <- c(14, 12, 12, 12)
month <- c(0, 4, 6, 44)
duration <- month - c(0, month[1:3])
# HR by time period for each scenario
hr <- c(
  rep(.7, 4), # constant hazard ratio of 0.7
  1, 1, .6, .6, # hazard ratio of 1 for 4 months followed by a hazard ratio of 0.6.
  1, 1, 1, .6, # hr = 1 for 6 months followed by hr = .6
  1.5, 1.5, .5, .5
) # hazard ratio of 1.5 for 4 months followed by a hazard ratio of 0.5.

The survival curves for these 4 scenarios are shown below:

# Put parameters together in a tibble
s <- tibble(
  Scenario = c(rep("PH", 4), rep("Shorter delayed effect", 4), rep("Longer delayed effect", 4), rep("Crossing", 4)),
  Treatment = rep("Control", 16),
  Month = rep(month, 4), # Periods for constant HR
  duration = rep(duration, 4),
  rate = log(2) / c(
    rep(control_median[1], 4),
    rep(control_median[2], 4),
    rep(control_median[3], 4),
    rep(control_median[4], 4)
  hr = hr

# calculate the survival at each change point for each scenario
s <- rbind(
  s %>% mutate(Treatment = "Experimental", rate = rate * hr)
) %>%
  group_by(Scenario, Treatment) %>%
  mutate(Survival = exp(-cumsum(duration * rate)))
# plot the survival curve
ggplot(s, aes(x = Month, y = Survival, col = Scenario, lty = Treatment, shape = Treatment)) +
  geom_line() +
  annotate("text", x = 18, y = .1, label = "Control for scenarios other than PH have same survival") +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = (1:10) / 10, lim = c(.07, 1)) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 42, 6)) +
  ggtitle("Survival over time for 4 scenarios studied")

The average hazard ratio for these 4 scenarios are shown below. We note that under the Shorter delayed effect scenario, the average hazard ratio approaches that of the PH scenario after a study duration of about 36 months.

# Durations to be used in common for all failure rate scenarios
dur <- month[2:4] - month[1:3]

# Set the failure table
# We use exponential failure, proportional hazards
fail_rate <- rbind(
    Scenario = "PH", stratum = "All",
    duration = dur, fail_rate = log(2) / 14,
    hr = hr[1], dropout_rate = .001
    Scenario = "Shorter delayed effect", stratum = "All",
    duration = dur, fail_rate = log(2) / 11,
    hr = hr[6:8], dropout_rate = .001
    Scenario = "Longer delayed effect", stratum = "All",
    duration = dur, fail_rate = log(2) / 11,
    hr = hr[10:12], dropout_rate = .001
    Scenario = "Crossing", stratum = "All",
    duration = dur, fail_rate = log(2) / 11,
    hr = hr[14:16], dropout_rate = .001

hr <-
    c("PH", "Shorter delayed effect", "Longer delayed effect", "Crossing"),
    function(x) {
        enroll_rate = enroll_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        fail_rate = fail_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        total_duration = c(.001, seq(4, 44, 4))
      ) %>%
        mutate(Scenario = x)
ggplot(hr, aes(x = time, y = ahr, col = Scenario)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 42, 6)) +
  ggtitle("Average hazard ratio (AHR) by study duration",
    subtitle = "Under the 4 scenarios examined"

The number of events for these 4 scenarios are shown below. Under the 3 NPH scenarios events accumulate faster than under the PH scenario both due to a lower control median and/or a delayed effect.

ggplot(hr, aes(x = time, y = event, col = Scenario)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 42, 6)) +
  ylab("Expected events per 100 enrolled") +
  ggtitle("Expected event accumulation under the 4 scenarios studied")

From the above, we see that slight variations in control failure rates and the potential for a delayed effect can substantially accelerate the accumulation of events. If doing an event-based cutoff for analysis these slight variations can lead to earlier analyses than anticipated when the average hazard ratio that is expected with longer follow-up would never be achieved. We examine the implications further below.

Sample Size and Events by Scenarios

Fixed Design using AHR and Logrank

We power a fixed design at 90% with 2.5% one-sided Type I error under the different scenarios under consideration. We now assume the 18 month enrollment pattern for all scenarios. For the PH and Shorter delayed effect scenarios we need a similar AHR, number of events and sample size for a 36 month study. The other two scenarios with crossing survival curves or a large effect delay would require substantially larger sample sizes due to not achieving a similar AHR by month 36.

ss_ahr_fixed <-
    c("PH", "Shorter delayed effect", "Longer delayed effect", "Crossing"),
    function(x) {
      xx <- gs_design_ahr(
        enroll_rate = enroll_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        fail_rate = fail_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        analysis_time = 36,
        upper = gs_b,
        upar = qnorm(.975),
        lower = gs_b,
        lpar = -Inf,
        alpha = .025,
        beta = .1
      ans <- xx$analysis %>%
        select(time, n, event, ahr) %>%
        mutate(Scenario = x)

ss_ahr_fixed %>%
  gt() %>%
  fmt_number(columns = 1:3, decimals = 0) %>%
  fmt_number(columns = 4, decimals = 3) %>%
    title = "Sample Size and Events Required by Scenario",
    subtitle = "36 Month Trial duration, 2.5% One-sided Type 1 Error, 90% Power"
Sample Size and Events Required by Scenario
36 Month Trial duration, 2.5% One-sided Type 1 Error, 90% Power
time n event ahr Scenario
36 518 332 0.700 PH
36 476 341 0.703 Shorter delayed effect
36 696 504 0.749 Longer delayed effect
36 760 544 0.755 Crossing

Assuming the shorter delayed effect is the primary scenario for which we wish to protect power, how long should the trial be to optimize the tradeoffs between sample size, AHR and events required? We will inform this tradeoff by looking sizing the trial for different assumed trial durations with the same failure rates and assumed relative enrollment rates. The counts of events required is perhaps the most interesting here in that a 24 month trial requires almost twice the events to be powered at 90% compared to a trial of 42 months duration. For further study, we will consider the 36 month trial duration as a reasonable tradeoff between time, sample size and power under a presumed delayed effect of 4 months followed by a hazard ratio of 0.6 thereafter.
    c(24, 30, 36, 42),
    function(x) {
      ans <- gs_design_ahr(
        enroll_rate = enroll_rate %>% filter(Scenario == "Shorter delayed effect"),
        fail_rate = fail_rate %>% filter(Scenario == "Shorter delayed effect"),
        analysis_time = x,
        upper = gs_b, upar = qnorm(.975),
        lower = gs_b, lpar = -Inf,
        alpha = .025,
        beta = .1
      )$analysis %>%
        select(time, n, event, ahr) %>%
        mutate(Scenario = "Shorter delayed effect")
) %>%
  gt() %>%
  fmt_number(columns = 1:3, decimals = 0) %>%
  fmt_number(columns = 4, decimals = 3) %>%
    title = "Sample Size and Events Required by Trial Duration",
    subtitle = "Delayed Effect of 4 Months, HR = 0.6 Thereafter; 90% Power"
Sample Size and Events Required by Trial Duration
Delayed Effect of 4 Months, HR = 0.6 Thereafter; 90% Power
time n event ahr Scenario
24 1,037 522 0.752 Shorter delayed effect
30 623 390 0.719 Shorter delayed effect
36 476 341 0.703 Shorter delayed effect
42 404 316 0.694 Shorter delayed effect

Alternate Hypothesis Mapping

Under the different scenarios of interest, we can examine the expected number of events in time periods of interest.

events_by_time_period <- NULL

for (g in c("PH", "Shorter delayed effect", "Longer delayed effect", "Crossing")) {
  events_by_time_period <- rbind(
      enroll_rate = enroll_rate %>% filter(Scenario == g),
      fail_rate = fail_rate %>% filter(Scenario == g),
      total_duration = c(12, 20, 28, 36)
    ) %>%
      mutate(Scenario = g)

Recall that our alternate hypothesis assumes no treatment effect (HR=1) for 4 months and then HR = 0.6 thereafter. For any of the above scenarios, if we wish to base a futility bound on this assumption plus the above number of events in the first 4 months and after 4 months, then we can compute the average hazard ratio under the alternate hazard ratio for each scenario at 20 months as follows. You can see that an interim futility spending bound based on the alternate hypothesis can depend fairly heavily on enrollment and the control failure rate. Note also that at the time of interim analysis, the alternate hypothesis AHR can be computed in this same fashion based on observed events by time period. Note that this can be quite different than the scenario HR; e.g., for PH, we assume HR=0.7 throughout, but for the futility bound comparison, we compute blinded AHR that decreases with each analysis under the alternate hypothesis.

# Time periods for each scenario were 0-4, 4-6, and 6+
# Thus H1 has HR as follows
hr1 <- tibble(t = c(0, 4, 6), hr1 = c(1, .6, .6))

ahr_by_analysis <- events_by_time_period %>%
  full_join(hr1) %>%
  group_by(Scenario, time) %>%
  summarize(AHR1 = exp(sum(event * log(hr1)) / sum(event)))

ahr_by_analysis %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = Scenario, values_from = AHR1) %>%
  gt() %>%
  fmt_number(columns = 2:5, decimals = 3)
time Crossing Longer delayed effect PH Shorter delayed effect
12 0.904 0.949 1.000 0.881
20 0.822 0.862 1.000 0.793
28 0.754 0.784 1.000 0.728
36 0.727 0.749 1.000 0.703

Group Sequential Design

Here we assume the design is under a delayed effect model where the delay is not too long and the long-term average hazard ratio benefit is strong. proportional hazards scenario, but we look at power under the alternate scenarios. We will plan a 36 month group sequential design under the Shorter delayed effect scenario. Interim analyses are planned after 12, 20, and 28 months.

AHR method

analysis_time <- c(12, 20, 28, 36)
upar <- list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDOF, total_spend = 0.025, param = NULL, timing = NULL, theta = 0)
lpar <- list(sf = gsDesign::sfHSD, total_spend = .1, param = -2, timing = NULL, theta = NULL)

nph_asymmetric <- gs_design_ahr(
  enroll_rate = enroll_rate,
  fail_rate = fail_rate,
  ratio = 1, alpha = .025, beta = 0.1,
  # Information fraction not required (but available!)
  analysis_time = analysis_time,
  # Function to enable spending bound
  upper = gs_spending_bound,
  lower = gs_spending_bound,
  # Spending function and parameters used
  upar = upar,
  lpar = lpar

summary(nph_asymmetric) %>% as_gt()
Bound summary for AHR design
AHR approximations of ~HR at bound
Bound Z Nominal p1 ~HR at bound2 Cumulative boundary crossing probability
Alternate hypothesis Null hypothesis
Analysis: 1 Time: 12 N: 237.6 Event: 41.4 AHR: 0.7 Information fraction: 0.11
Futility -1.51 0.9350 1.6006 0.0043 0.0650
Efficacy 6.47 0.0000 0.1338 0.0000 0.0000
Analysis: 2 Time: 20 N: 409.2 Event: 126.6 AHR: 0.7 Information fraction: 0.35
Futility -0.24 0.5942 1.0433 0.0163 0.4156
Efficacy 3.59 0.0002 0.5286 0.0549 0.0002
Analysis: 3 Time: 28 N: 580.8 Event: 227.6 AHR: 0.7 Information fraction: 0.64
Futility 0.81 0.2090 0.8982 0.0405 0.8017
Efficacy 2.58 0.0050 0.7105 0.5361 0.0050
Analysis: 4 Time: 36 N: 791.9 Event: 356.7 AHR: 0.7 Information fraction: 1
Futility 1.99 0.0234 0.8102 0.1002 0.9766
Efficacy 1.99 0.0234 0.8102 0.9000 3 0.0234
1 One-sided p-value for experimental vs control treatment. Value < 0.5 favors experimental, > 0.5 favors control.
2 Approximate hazard ratio to cross bound.
3 Cumulative alpha for final analysis (0.0234) is less than the full alpha (0.025) when the futility bound is non-binding. The smaller value subtracts the probability of crossing a futility bound before crossing an efficacy bound at a later analysis (0.025 - 0.0016 = 0.0234) under the null hypothesis.

By scenario, we now wish to compute the adjusted expected futility bounds and the power implied.
    c("PH", "Shorter delayed effect", "Longer delayed effect", "Crossing"),
    function(x) {
      ahr1 <- (ahr_by_analysis %>% filter(Scenario == x))$AHR1

      lparx <- lpar
      lparx$theta1 <- -log(ahr1)

      yy <- gs_power_ahr(
        enroll_rate = enroll_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        fail_rate = fail_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        event = NULL,
        analysis_time = c(12, 20, 28, 36),
        upper = gs_spending_bound,
        upar = upar,
        lower = gs_spending_bound,
        lpar = lparx
      )$analysis %>%
        mutate(Scenario = x)
) %>%
  gt() %>%
  fmt_number(columns = "event", decimals = 1) %>%
  fmt_number(columns = 5:10, decimals = 4)
analysis time n event ahr theta info info0 info_frac info_frac0 Scenario
1 12 60 10.5 0.7000 0.3567 2.5533 2.6161 0.1611 0.1632 PH
2 20 100 31.8 0.7000 0.3567 7.7993 7.9576 0.4922 0.4964 PH
3 28 100 50.8 0.7000 0.3567 12.4964 12.6892 0.7887 0.7916 PH
4 36 100 64.1 0.7000 0.3567 15.8446 16.0303 1.0000 1.0000 PH
1 12 60 14.0 0.8808 0.1269 3.4499 3.4942 0.1957 0.1952 Shorter delayed effect
2 20 100 39.5 0.7929 0.2321 9.6905 9.8760 0.5497 0.5518 Shorter delayed effect
3 28 100 58.9 0.7275 0.3181 14.4480 14.7332 0.8195 0.8232 Shorter delayed effect
4 36 100 71.6 0.7032 0.3522 17.6301 17.8976 1.0000 1.0000 Shorter delayed effect
1 12 60 14.4 0.9495 0.0518 3.5860 3.6055 0.2005 0.1991 Longer delayed effect
2 20 100 40.7 0.8625 0.1479 10.0422 10.1692 0.5615 0.5614 Longer delayed effect
3 28 100 60.1 0.7835 0.2439 14.7861 15.0221 0.8268 0.8294 Longer delayed effect
4 36 100 72.4 0.7487 0.2895 17.8840 18.1125 1.0000 1.0000 Longer delayed effect
1 12 60 15.8 1.2074 −0.1885 3.7638 3.9617 0.2226 0.2215 Crossing
2 20 100 42.2 0.9844 0.0157 9.9118 10.5546 0.5863 0.5902 Crossing
3 28 100 60.0 0.8173 0.2017 14.0482 14.9960 0.8310 0.8385 Crossing
4 36 100 71.5 0.7549 0.2811 16.9053 17.8842 1.0000 1.0000 Crossing

Weighted Logrank Method

We investigate two types of the weighting scheme for weight logrank method.

The fixed design under the first weighting scheme for four scenario are summarized as follows.
    c("PH", "Shorter delayed effect", "Longer delayed effect", "Crossing"),
    function(x) {
        enroll_rate = enroll_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        fail_rate = fail_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        weight = function(x, arm0, arm1) {
          wlr_weight_fh(x, arm0, arm1, rho = 0, gamma = 0.5, tau = 4)
        alpha = .025,
        beta = .1,
        upar = qnorm(.975),
        lpar = -Inf,
        analysis_time = 44
      )$analysis %>%
        mutate(Scenario = x)
) %>%
  gt() %>%
  fmt_number(columns = 3:6, decimals = 4)

The fixed design under the second weighting scheme for four scenario are summarized as follows.

# Ignore tau or (tau can be -1)
    c("PH", "Shorter delayed effect", "Longer delayed effect", "Crossing"),
    function(x) {
        enroll_rate = enroll_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        fail_rate = fail_rate %>% filter(Scenario == x),
        weight = function(x, arm0, arm1) {
          wlr_weight_fh(x, arm0, arm1, rho = 0, gamma = 0.5)
        alpha = .025,
        beta = .1,
        upar = qnorm(.975),
        lpar = -Inf,
        analysis_time = 44
      )$analysis %>%
        mutate(Scenario = x)
) %>%
  gt() %>%
  fmt_number(columns = 3:6, decimals = 4)
analysis time n event ahr theta info info0 info_frac Scenario
1 44 490.0869 360.6618 0.6974 0.5587 32.80428 34.23109 1 PH
1 44 298.0746 238.4018 0.6430 0.6602 23.15996 24.75957 1 Shorter delayed effect
1 44 380.2982 306.6089 0.6772 0.5797 30.26797 31.94557 1 Longer delayed effect
1 44 258.3378 204.8707 0.6216 0.7138 19.76247 21.21076 1 Crossing


Lin, Ray S, Ji Lin, Satrajit Roychoudhury, Keaven M Anderson, Tianle Hu, Bo Huang, Larry F Leon, et al. 2020. “Alternative Analysis Methods for Time to Event Endpoints Under Nonproportional Hazards: A Comparative Analysis.” Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 12 (2): 187–98.
Mukhopadhyay, Pralay, Wenmei Huang, Paul Metcalfe, Fredrik Öhrn, Mary Jenner, and Andrew Stone. 2020. “Statistical and Practical Considerations in Designing of Immuno-Oncology Trials.” Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 30 (6): 1130–46.