Simulation for testing average hazard ratio and sample size under non-proportional hazards
This document demonstrates a simple simulation for unit testing of average hazard ratio function (AHR()
). The details on calculating average hazard ratio is already available in vignette("AHRVignette")
, and the purpose of this vignette is to show how a simulation can be conducted in order to approximate the average hazard ratio. The results were used for unit test to see whether the simulation results could be good approximation of the actual results from AHR()
The simulation is wrapped into a function which gives the users the flexibility the design assumptions. The simulations are based on targeted event only, but for other scenarios, similar approach can be taken.
Intial setup
We begin by setting two parameters that will be used throughout in simulations used to verify accuracy of power approximations; either could be customized for each simulation. First, we set the number of simulations to be performed. You can increase this to improve accuracy of simulation estimates of power.
Design scenario
We set up the design parameters. Enrollment ramps up over the course of the first 4 months follow-up by a steady state enrollment thereafter. This will be adjusted proportionately to power the trial later. The control group has a piecewise exponential distribution with median 9 for the first 3 months and 18 thereafter. The hazard ratio of the experimental group versus control is 0.9 for the first 3 months followed by 0.6 thereafter.
enrollRates <- tibble::tibble(
Stratum = "All",
duration = c(2, 2, 10),
rate = c(3, 6, 9)
failRates <- tibble::tibble(
Stratum = "All",
duration = c(3, 100),
failRate = log(2) / c(9, 18),
hr = c(.9, .6),
dropoutRate = rep(.001, 2)
The Fleming-Harrington weights can be defined in case the users want to run any weighted logrank tests, and is defined as rg
as follows.
rg <- tibble(rho = 0, gamma = 0)
For this simulation, we consider the sample size and the events are given as N
and events
and the bounds for the interim analysis are provided as bounds
N <- enrollRates %>% summarise(N = sum(rate * duration))
events <- c(20.4, 48.9, 66.1)
bounds <- tibble::tibble(
k = 1:3,
upper = c(2.962588, 2.359018, 2.014084),
lower = c(qnorm(.05), qnorm(.1), -Inf)
The simulation for the average hazard ratio for \(k = 3\) interim analysis can be then conducted as follows:
K <- length(events)
fr <- simtrial::simfix2simPWSurv(failRates = failRates)
simresult <- NULL
for (i in 1:nsim) {
sim <- simtrial::simPWSurv(
n = as.numeric(N),
enrollRates = enrollRates,
failRates = fr$failRates,
dropoutRates = fr$dropoutRates,
strata = strata,
block = block
for (e in 1:K) {
dt <- simtrial::getCutDateForCount(x = sim, count = events[e])
ds <- sim %>% simtrial::cutData(dt)
res.cox <- coxph(Surv(time = tte, event = event) ~ Treatment + strata(Stratum), data = ds)
Cox.coef <- res.cox$coefficients
Z <- sim %>%
cutDataAtCount(events[e]) %>% # cut simulation for analysis at targeted events
tensurv(txval = "Experimental") %>%
tenFH(rg = rg)
simresult <- rbind(
sim = i,
k = e,
Events = events[e],
Z = -Z$Z, # Change sign for Z
Time = dt,
Cox.coef = Cox.coef
simresult <- tibble(simresult, N) %>% mutate(N = as.integer(N))
After combining the simulation results they can be summarized with respect to the analysis time as
simresult %>%
full_join(bounds, by = "k") %>%
tidyr::gather(c("upper", "lower"), key = "Bounds", value = "value") %>%
group_by(k, Bounds) %>%
n = n(),
Time = mean(Time),
AHR = exp(mean(Cox.coef)),
z = unique(value),
Events = unique(Events)
) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits = 4) %>%
arrange(desc(Bounds)) %>%
select(k, Bounds, Time, Events, AHR, z)
Putting them all into a function
Finally, the whole simulation approach is wrapped into a function sim_gsd
where the users can modify the design assumptions based on their desired design.
sim_gsd <- function(nsim = 1000,
block = rep(c("Experimental", "Control"), 2),
strata = tibble::tibble(Stratum = "All", p = 1),
enrollRates = tibble::tibble(
Stratum = "All",
duration = c(2, 2, 10),
rate = c(3, 6, 9)
failRates = tibble::tibble(
Stratum = "All",
duration = c(3, 100),
failRate = log(2) / c(9, 18),
hr = c(.9, .6),
dropoutRate = rep(.001, 2)
rg = tibble(rho = 0, gamma = 0),
# events = c(158.954, 200.636, 252.077),
events = c(20.4, 48.9, 66.1),
bounds = tibble::tibble(
k = 1:3,
upper = c(2.962588, 2.359018, 2.014084),
lower = c(qnorm(.05), qnorm(.1), -Inf)
)) {
N <- ifelse(is.null(N), enrollRates %>% summarise(N = sum(rate * duration)), N)
K <- length(events)
fr <- simtrial::simfix2simPWSurv(failRates = failRates)
simresult <- NULL
for (i in 1:nsim) {
sim <- simtrial::simPWSurv(
n = as.numeric(N),
enrollRates = enrollRates,
failRates = fr$failRates,
dropoutRates = fr$dropoutRates,
strata = strata,
block = block
for (e in 1:K) {
dt <- simtrial::getCutDateForCount(x = sim, count = events[e])
ds <- sim %>% simtrial::cutData(dt)
res.cox <- coxph(Surv(time = tte, event = event) ~ Treatment + strata(Stratum), data = ds)
Cox.coef <- res.cox$coefficients
Z <- sim %>%
cutDataAtCount(events[e]) %>% # cut simulation for analysis at targeted events
tensurv(txval = "Experimental") %>%
tenFH(rg = rg)
simresult <- rbind(
sim = i,
k = e,
Events = events[e],
Z = -Z$Z, # Change sign for Z
Time = dt,
Cox.coef = Cox.coef
simresult <- tibble(simresult, N) %>% mutate(N = as.integer(N))
res <- simresult %>%
full_join(bounds, by = "k") %>%
tidyr::gather(c("upper", "lower"), key = "Bounds", value = "value") %>%
group_by(k, Bounds) %>%
n = n(),
Time = mean(Time),
AHR = exp(mean(Cox.coef)),
z = unique(value),
Events = unique(Events)
) %>%
mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits = 4) %>%
arrange(desc(Bounds)) %>%
select(k, Bounds, Time, Events, AHR, z)
res <- tibble::tibble(
Analysis = res$k,
Bound = res$Bounds,
Z = res$z,
Time = res$Time,
AHR = res$AHR,
Events = res$Events
res <- tibble(res, N) %>% mutate(N = as.integer(N))
Here is a small simulation of size 10 to show the results of sim_gsd
sim_gsd(nsim = 100)