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Create the additional time-to-event endpoints, adjusting for cutpoint


create_extrafields(ds, cuttime = 0)



Patient-level dataset


Time cutpoint


Tibble of complete patient-level dataset, adjusted for cutpoint ttp.durn, pfs.durn, ppd.durn and os.durn are the durations of TTP (time to progression), PFS (progression-free survival), PPD (pre-progression death) and OS (overall survival) respectively beyond the cutpoint. pps.durn is the duration of survival beyond progression, irrespective of the cutpoint. pps.odurn is the difference between ttp.durn and os.durn (which may be different to pps.durn). ttp.flag, pfs.flag, ppd.flag, os.flag, and pps.flag are event flag indicators for TTP, PFS, PPD, OS and PPS respectively (1=event, 0=censoring).


bosonc <- create_dummydata("flexbosms")
create_extrafields(bosonc, cuttime=10)
#> # A tibble: 204 × 16
#>     ptid pfs.odurn pfs.flag os.odurn os.flag ttp.odurn ttp.flag ttp.durn
#>    <int>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1     1    18.7          1    42.9        1    18.7          1    8.67 
#>  2     2    12.0          1    23.3        1    12.0          1    2.01 
#>  3     3     0.452        1     8.81       1     0.452        1    0    
#>  4     4     9.07         1    52.7        1     9.07         1    0    
#>  5     5    47.7          0    47.7        0    47.7          0   37.7  
#>  6     6     3.26         1    13.1        1     3.26         1    0    
#>  7     7     0.738        1     2.74       1     0.738        1    0    
#>  8     8    35.5          1    35.5        1    35.5          0   25.5  
#>  9     9    10.4          1    37.1        1    10.4          1    0.369
#> 10    10    10.5          1    32.7        1    10.5          1    0.464
#> # ℹ 194 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: pfs.durn <dbl>, os.durn <dbl>, tzero <dbl>,
#> #   pps.odurn <dbl>, pps.durn <dbl>, pps.flag <dbl>, ppd.durn <dbl>,
#> #   ppd.flag <dbl>