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This vignette documents how to use .rtf_row to customize table in details. All output tables are saved in the vignettes/rtf folder and assembled in vignettes/r2rtf_examples.docx document.

Border Type

.rtf_row supports 8 different types of border as listed below.

## [1] ""           "single"     "double"     "dot"        "dash"      
## [6] "small dash" "dot dash"   "dot dot"

The border type can be used to define the top, left, right and bottom border types.

This example define different top border line.

.n <- length(r2rtf:::border_type()$name)
db <- data.frame(border_type = r2rtf:::border_type()$name) %>%
  rtf_title("Summary of Border Type Using Top Border") %>%
  rtf_colheader("Border Type") %>%
  rtf_body(border_top = r2rtf:::border_type()$name)

db %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%

For each cell, the top border and left border is defined in each cell. The right border only defined in last column. The bottom border only defined in last row. This example show that top border and left border type are used for all cell border as single. Only last column use right border as double. Only last row use bottom border as dash line.

iris %>%
  head() %>%
    as_colheader = FALSE,
    border_top = "dash",
    border_left = "double",
    border_right = "single"
  ) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%

This example display table with specific border type (i.e. double line at the first and last line and blank at the middle)

rtf_db <- iris %>%
  head() %>%
  rtf_title("Border Using Double Line at First/Last Line") %>%
  rtf_colheader("Sepal Length | Sepal Width | Petal Length | Petal Width | Species") %>%

rtf_db %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%
  • The first and last border of the whole table is controlled by border_first and border_last argument in rtf_page()
attr(rtf_db, "page")$border_first
## [1] "double"
attr(rtf_db, "border_first")
##      [,1]     [,2]     [,3]     [,4]     [,5]    
## [1,] "single" "single" "single" "single" "single"
## [2,] "single" "single" "single" "single" "single"
## [3,] "single" "single" "single" "single" "single"
## [4,] "single" "single" "single" "single" "single"
## [5,] "single" "single" "single" "single" "single"
## [6,] "single" "single" "single" "single" "single"

For other border, it is controlled by a matrix.

rtf_db %>% attr("border_top")
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] ""   ""   ""   ""   ""  
## [2,] ""   ""   ""   ""   ""  
## [3,] ""   ""   ""   ""   ""  
## [4,] ""   ""   ""   ""   ""  
## [5,] ""   ""   ""   ""   ""  
## [6,] ""   ""   ""   ""   ""

User can use single value, vector, and matrix to control the border type. Specifically, a vector is transferred to a matrix by row. Therefore, it is useful to set columns type by using vector.

matrix(r2rtf:::border_type()$name[1:5], nrow = 6, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
##      [,1] [,2]     [,3]     [,4]  [,5]  
## [1,] ""   "single" "double" "dot" "dash"
## [2,] ""   "single" "double" "dot" "dash"
## [3,] ""   "single" "double" "dot" "dash"
## [4,] ""   "single" "double" "dot" "dash"
## [5,] ""   "single" "double" "dot" "dash"
## [6,] ""   "single" "double" "dot" "dash"
rtf_db <- iris %>%
  head() %>%
  rtf_title("Left Border Defined by a Vector") %>%
  rtf_body(border_left = r2rtf:::border_type()$name[2:6])

rtf_db %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%

Cell Justification

The table cell allow to be left, center or right justified. the cell is also allow to align by decimal.

r2rtf:::justification()[, 1:2]
##   type      name
## 1    l      left
## 2    c    center
## 3    r     right
## 4    d   decimal
## 5    j justified
r2rtf:::justification()[, 1:2] %>%
  rtf_body(text_justification = rep(r2rtf:::justification()$type, each = 2)) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%
db <- iris %>% mutate(Sepal.Length = formatC(Sepal.Length * 2, digits = 1, format = "f"))

db[, rep(1, 4)] %>%
  head() %>%
  rtf_body(text_justification = c("d", "l", "c", "r")) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%

Column Width

Column width is determined by width ratio between the row using col_rel_width. The default is to have the same width for each column. The actual width is calculate with actual width col_total_width. The default value of col_total_width is page_width divided by 1.4.

This example shows the default setting

iris %>%
  head() %>%
  rtf_body(as_colheader = FALSE) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%

This example customizes the column width

iris %>%
  head() %>%
  rtf_body(col_rel_width = 1:ncol(iris), as_colheader = FALSE) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%

Text Appearance

The .rtf_row function allow bold, italics, strikethrough, underline and any combinations of them.

r2rtf:::font_format()[, 1:2]
##   type        name
## 1           normal
## 2    b        bold
## 3    i     italics
## 4    u   underline
## 5    s      strike
## 6    ^ superscript
## 7    _   subscript

This example considers the text format defined below

fmt <- cbind("", r2rtf:::font_format()$type)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,] ""   ""  
## [2,] ""   "b" 
## [3,] ""   "i" 
## [4,] ""   "u" 
## [5,] ""   "s" 
## [6,] ""   "^" 
## [7,] ""   "_"
r2rtf:::font_format()[, 1:2] %>%
  rtf_body(text_format = fmt) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%

Text Font Size

Font size can be defined for each cell.

iris %>%
  head() %>%
  rtf_body(text_font_size = c(7:11), as_colheader = FALSE) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%


The text, border and background color can be set separately for each cell. It is important to note that the cell can be defined condition by the data. For example, one can highlight p-value < 0.05 in gold.

This example define text color for each column

iris %>%
  head() %>%
    text_color = c("black", "red", "gold", "blue", "grey"),
    as_colheader = FALSE
  ) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%

This example define left border color for each column

iris %>%
  head() %>%
    border_color_left = c("black", "red", "gold", "blue", "grey"),
    as_colheader = FALSE
  ) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%

This example define background color for each column

iris %>%
  head() %>%
    text_background_color = c("white", "red", "gold", "blue", "grey"),
    text_color = "black",
    as_colheader = FALSE,
  ) %>%
  rtf_encode() %>%