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This vignette documents how to use rtf_text and rtf_paragraph to customize text and paragraph in details. All output tables are saved in the vignettes/rtf folder and assembled in vignettes/r2rtf_examples.docx document.

text <- paste(rep("Sample Text", 20), collapse = " ")
text <- rep(text, 5)


Paragraph Alignment

Paragraph alignment supports four types.

r2rtf:::justification() %>% subset(type %in% c("l", "c", "r", "j"))
##   type      name rtf_code_text rtf_code_row
## 1    l      left          \\ql       \\trql
## 2    c    center          \\qc       \\trqc
## 3    r     right          \\qr       \\trqr
## 5    j justified          \\qj

This example display text in different alignment methods.

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text),
  justification = c("l", "c", "r", "j")
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/para-justification.rtf")


First line, left, and right indent can be controlled. One can also use a negative number to have the text “outdent”.

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text),
  indent_first = c(1000, 0, -1000),
  indent_left = c(500, -500),
  indent_right = 500
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/para-indent.rtf")

Line Space

Different types of line space can be controlled.

r2rtf:::spacing()[, 1:2]
##   type         name
## 1  1.0 single-space
## 2  2.0 double-space
## 3  1.5    1.5-space

This example show different line spaces in paragraph.

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text),
  space = c(1, 2, 1.5)
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/para-line-space.rtf")

Paragraph Space

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text),
  space_before = c(50, 180),
  space_after = c(180, 50)
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/para-space.rtf")

New Page

This example add page break before paragraphs.

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text)[1:2],
  new_page = TRUE
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/para-page.rtf")


Font Size

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text,
  font_size = 8:12
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/text-font-size-1.rtf")

Text Format

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text,
  format = c("b", "i", "bi", "^", "_", "u", "s")
## Warning in matrix(text_rtf, nrow = nrow(text), ncol = ncol(text)): data length
## [7] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [5]
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/text-format-1.rtf")

Text Font Type

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text,
  font = 1:10
## Warning in matrix(text_rtf, nrow = nrow(text), ncol = ncol(text)): data length
## differs from size of matrix: [10 != 5 x 1]
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/text-font-type.rtf")

Text Color

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text,
  color = c("red", "gold", "black", "orange", "blue")
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/text-color.rtf")

Text Background Color

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text,
  color = "white",
  background_color = c("red", "gold", "black", "orange", "blue")
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/text-background-color.rtf")

Combine Text in Different Format

This example call rtf_text multiple times to combine a text.

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(paste0(
  r2rtf:::rtf_text("\\dagger", format = "^"),
  r2rtf:::rtf_text("\\line red ", color = "red"),
  r2rtf:::rtf_text("highlight", background_color = "yellow")
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/text-combine1.rtf")

This example call rtf_text one time to combine a text.

text <- c(3.5, "\\dagger", "\\line red ", "highlight")
format <- c("", "^", "", "")
color <- c("black", "black", "red", "black")
background_color <- c("white", "white", "white", "yellow")

res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(
      format = format,
      color = color,
      background_color = background_color
    collapse = ""
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/text-combine2.rtf")

Inline Formatting

This example provide an inline formatting options with superscript and subscript. It is important to note the location of {} is before the special character.

text <- c("X{_1} = \\alpha{^2} + \\beta{^\\dagger}")
res <- r2rtf:::rtf_paragraph(r2rtf:::rtf_text(text))
r2rtf:::write_rtf_para(res, "rtf/text-combine3.rtf")