Authors and Citation
Yilong Zhang. Author.
Siruo Wang. Author.
Simiao Ye. Author.
Fansen Kong. Author.
Brian Lang. Author.
Benjamin Wang. Author, maintainer.
Nan Xiao. Contributor.
Madhusudhan Ginnaram. Contributor.
Ruchitbhai Patel. Contributor.
Huei-Ling Chen. Contributor.
Peikun Wu. Contributor.
Uday Preetham Palukuru. Contributor.
Daniel Woodie. Contributor.
Sarad Nepal. Contributor.
Jane Liao. Contributor.
Jeff Cheng. Contributor.
Yirong Cao. Contributor.
Amin Shirazi. Contributor.
Yihui Xie. Contributor.
Günter Milde. Contributor.
Original author of the unimathsymbols.txt file -
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Copyright holder.
Source: inst/CITATION
Wang S, Ye S, Anderson KM, Zhang Y (2020). “r2rtf—an R Package to Produce Rich Text Format (RTF) Tables and Figures.” In PharmaSUG. https://pharmasug.org/proceedings/2020/DV/PharmaSUG-2020-DV-198.pdf.
@InProceedings{, title = {{r2rtf}---an {R} Package to Produce {Rich Text Format} ({RTF}) Tables and Figures}, author = {Siruo Wang and Simiao Ye and Keaven M Anderson and Yilong Zhang}, booktitle = {PharmaSUG}, year = {2020}, url = {https://pharmasug.org/proceedings/2020/DV/PharmaSUG-2020-DV-198.pdf}, }