Note on potential discrepancies between simtrial and survdiff
Larry Leon
In the survival (base R) package, the log-rank and Cox estimation
procedures apply (by default) a correction to “fix” roundoff errors.
These are implemented with the timefix
option (by default
timefix = TRUE
) via the aeqSurv()
However, in the simtrial package, (and also Hmisc), such a correction is
not implemented; Consequently, there can be discrepancies between
simtrial and base R survival (survdiff()
, and survfit()
For details on the aeqSurv()
function, see Therneau,
2016 and the ?aeqSurv
function documentation.
In the following, we describe a simulation scenario where a
discrepancy is generated and illustrate how discrepancies can be
resolved (if desired) by pre-processing survival times with
and thus replicating survdiff()
default calculations.
In the simulated dataset, two observations are generated:
- Observation i=464 with survival time Y=0.306132722582.
- Observation i=516 with survival time Y=0.306132604679.
- Per
, these times are tied and set to Y=0.306132604679. - The log-rank and Cox estimates can therefore differ between other approaches without the “timefix” correction.
Scenario definitions
We define various true data generating model scenarios and convert
for use in gsDesign2. Here, we are using a single scenario where
discrepancies were found. This is just for illustration to inform the
user of simtrial that discrepancies can occur and how to resolve via
, if desired.
survival_at_24_months <- 0.35
hr <- log(.35) / log(.25)
control_median <- 12
control_rate <- c(log(2) / control_median, (log(.25) - log(.2)) / 12)
scenarios <- tribble(
~Scenario, ~Name, ~Period, ~duration, ~Survival,
0, "Control", 0, 0, 1,
0, "Control", 1, 24, .25,
0, "Control", 2, 12, .2,
1, "PH", 0, 0, 1,
1, "PH", 1, 24, .35,
1, "PH", 2, 12, .2^hr,
2, "3-month delay", 0, 0, 1,
2, "3-month delay", 1, 3, exp(-3 * control_rate[1]),
2, "3-month delay", 2, 21, .35,
2, "3-month delay", 3, 12, .2^hr,
3, "6-month delay", 0, 0, 1,
3, "6-month delay", 1, 6, exp(-6 * control_rate[1]),
3, "6-month delay", 2, 18, .35,
3, "6-month delay", 3, 12, .2^hr,
4, "Crossing", 0, 0, 1,
4, "Crossing", 1, 3, exp(-3 * control_rate[1] * 1.3),
4, "Crossing", 2, 21, .35,
4, "Crossing", 3, 12, .2^hr,
5, "Weak null", 0, 0, 1,
5, "Weak null", 1, 24, .25,
5, "Weak null", 2, 12, .2,
6, "Strong null", 0, 0, 1,
6, "Strong null", 1, 3, exp(-3 * control_rate[1] * 1.5),
6, "Strong null", 2, 3, exp(-6 * control_rate[1]),
6, "Strong null", 3, 18, .25,
6, "Strong null", 4, 12, .2,
# scenarios |> gt()
fr <- scenarios |>
group_by(Scenario) |>
# filter(Scenario == 2) |>
Month = cumsum(duration),
x_rate = -(log(Survival) - log(lag(Survival, default = 1))) /
rate = ifelse(Month > 24, control_rate[2], control_rate[1]),
hr = x_rate / rate
) |>
select(-x_rate) |>
filter(Period > 0, Scenario > 0) |>
# fr |> gt() |> fmt_number(columns = everything(), decimals = 2)
fr <- fr |> mutate(fail_rate = rate, dropout_rate = 0.001, stratum = "All")
mwlr <- fixed_design_mb(
tau = 12,
enroll_rate = define_enroll_rate(duration = 12, rate = 1),
fail_rate = fr |> filter(Scenario == 2),
alpha = 0.025, power = .85, ratio = 1,
study_duration = 36
) |> to_integer()
er <- mwlr$enroll_rate
A scenario that generates a discrepancy
dgm <- fr[c(14:17), ]
fail_rate <- data.frame(
stratum = rep("All", 2 * nrow(dgm)),
period = rep(dgm$Period, 2),
treatment = c(
rep("control", nrow(dgm)),
rep("experimental", nrow(dgm))
duration = rep(dgm$duration, 2),
rate = c(dgm$rate, dgm$rate * dgm$hr)
dgm$stratum <- "All"
# Constant dropout rate for both treatment arms and all scenarios
dropout_rate <- data.frame(
stratum = rep("All", 2),
period = rep(1, 2),
treatment = c("control", "experimental"),
duration = rep(100, 2),
rate = rep(.001, 2)
Simulated dataset with discrepancy between logrank test of
and survdiff()
(also compare
to score test of coxph()
[same as survdiff()
with default timefix = TRUE
ss <- 395
set.seed(8316951 + ss * 1000)
# Generate a dataset
dat <- sim_pw_surv(
n = 698,
enroll_rate = er,
fail_rate = fail_rate,
dropout_rate = dropout_rate
analysis_data <- cut_data_by_date(dat, 36)
dfa <- analysis_data
dfa$treat <- ifelse(dfa$treatment == "experimental", 1, 0)
z1 <- dfa |> wlr(weight = fh(rho = 0, gamma = 0))
check <- survdiff(Surv(tte, event) ~ treat, data = dfa)
# Note, for `coxph()`, use
# cph.score <- summary(coxph(Surv(tte, event) ~ treat, data = dfa, control = coxph.control(timefix = TRUE)))$sctest
cat("Log-rank wlr() vs survdiff()", c(z1$z^2, check$chisq), "\n")
## Log-rank wlr() vs survdiff() 0.1577428 0.1577954
Verify that timefix = FALSE
in coxph()
agrees with wlr()
cph.score <- summary(coxph(
Surv(tte, event) ~ treat,
data = dfa,
control = coxph.control(timefix = FALSE)
cat("Log-rank wlr() vs Cox score z^2", c(z1$z^2, cph.score["test"]), "\n")
## Log-rank wlr() vs Cox score z^2 0.1577428 0.1577428
Pre-processing survival times with aeqSurv()
implement timefix = TRUE
Verify wlr()
and survdiff()
now agree.
Y <- dfa[, "tte"]
Delta <- dfa[, "event"]
tfixed <- aeqSurv(Surv(Y, Delta))
Y <- tfixed[, "time"]
Delta <- tfixed[, "status"]
# Use aeqSurv version
dfa$tte2 <- Y
dfa$event2 <- Delta
# wlr() after "timefix"
dfa2 <- dfa
dfa2$tte <- dfa2$tte2
dfa2$event <- dfa2$event2
z1new <- dfa2 |> wlr(weight = fh(rho = 0, gamma = 0))
cat("Log-rank wlr() with timefix vs survdiff() z^2", c(z1new$z^2, check$chisq), "\n")
## Log-rank wlr() with timefix vs survdiff() z^2 0.1577954 0.1577954
Where do they differ (tte2
are times after
dfa <- dfa[order(dfa$tte2), ]
id <- seq(1, nrow(dfa))
diff <- exp(dfa$tte) - exp(dfa$tte2)
id_diff <- which(abs(diff) > 0)
tolook <- seq(id_diff - 2, id_diff + 2)
dfcheck <- dfa[tolook, c("tte", "tte2", "event", "event2", "treatment")]
print(dfcheck, digits = 12)
## tte tte2 event event2 treatment
## 13 0.276251560170 0.276251560170 1 1 experimental
## 143 0.298789385712 0.298789385712 1 1 control
## 464 0.306132722582 0.306132604679 1 1 control
## 516 0.306132604679 0.306132604679 1 1 experimental
## 605 0.336489970678 0.336489970678 1 1 experimental
Verify coxph()
(default) and coxph()
pre-processing (using tte2
outcome and setting timefix = FALSE
) are identical:
Also note that here ties do not have impact because in separate arms.
# Check Cox with ties
cox_breslow <- summary(coxph(Surv(tte, event) ~ treatment, data = dfa, ties = "breslow"))$conf.int
cox_efron <- summary(coxph(Surv(tte, event) ~ treatment, data = dfa, ties = "efron"))$conf.int
cat("Cox Breslow and Efron hr (tte, timefix=TRUE):", c(cox_breslow[1], cox_efron[1]), "\n")
## Cox Breslow and Efron hr (tte, timefix=TRUE): 0.9657106 0.9657106
# Here ties do not have impact because in separate arms
cox_breslow <- summary(coxph(Surv(tte2, event2) ~ treatment, data = dfa, ties = "breslow", control = coxph.control(timefix = FALSE)))$conf.int
cox_efron <- summary(coxph(Surv(tte2, event2) ~ treatment, data = dfa, ties = "efron", control = coxph.control(timefix = FALSE)))$conf.int
cat("Cox Breslow and Efron hr (tte2, timefix=FALSE):", c(cox_breslow[1], cox_efron[1]), "\n")
## Cox Breslow and Efron hr (tte2, timefix=FALSE): 0.9657106 0.9657106
So here there is a difference between tte
times, but there is not an impact of ties for Cox
between "breslow"
and "efron"
because the ties
(single tie in tte2
) are in separate arms.
Lastly, artificially change treatment so that two observations are
tied within the same treatment arm which generates difference between
and "efron"
options for
# Create tie within treatment arm by changing treatment
dfa3 <- dfa
dfa3[19, "treat"] <- 1.0
cox_breslow <- summary(coxph(Surv(tte, event) ~ treat, data = dfa3, ties = "breslow", control = coxph.control(timefix = TRUE)))$conf.int
cox_efron <- summary(coxph(Surv(tte, event) ~ treat, data = dfa3, ties = "efron", control = coxph.control(timefix = TRUE)))$conf.int
cat("Cox Breslow and Efron hr (tte, timefix=TRUE)=", c(cox_breslow[1], cox_efron[1]), "\n")
## Cox Breslow and Efron hr (tte, timefix=TRUE)= 0.9729723 0.9729778
Same as
cox_breslow <- summary(coxph(Surv(tte2, event2) ~ treat, data = dfa3, ties = "breslow", control = coxph.control(timefix = FALSE)))$conf.int
cox_efron <- summary(coxph(Surv(tte2, event2) ~ treat, data = dfa3, ties = "efron", control = coxph.control(timefix = FALSE)))$conf.int
cat("Cox Breslow and Efron hr (tte2, timefix=FALSE)=", c(cox_breslow[1], cox_efron[1]), "\n")
## Cox Breslow and Efron hr (tte2, timefix=FALSE)= 0.9729723 0.9729778