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simtrial 0.4.1

CRAN release: 2024-05-03


  • Pass noSuggests checks by running code examples, tests, and vignettes conditionally if the Suggests dependencies are not installed (#243).

simtrial 0.4.0

New features

Bug fixes



  • Removed dependency on the bshazard package as it was archived by CRAN (#234, thanks, @nanxstats).

simtrial 0.3.2

CRAN release: 2023-12-11

This release makes minor improvements on auxiliary code with side-effects.


simtrial 0.3.1

This release introduces significant changes to the API, improves simulation performance substantially, and adds new features and documentation.

Significant user-visible changes

  • Complete overhaul of the API. Function and argument names now use snake case for consistency and readability. See the function reference for the updated naming scheme. Detailed change history is available in the merged pull requests (thanks, @LittleBeannie, @lili-ling-msd, and @XintongLi2023).
  • Dataset names updated to snake case (thanks, @nanxstats, #164).
  • The base pipe operator is now used throughout the package. The magrittr pipe is no longer re-exported (thanks, @nanxstats, #146).


  • Rewritten table backend for simtrial functions using data.table, achieving a 3x to 5x speedup compared to the previous implementation (thanks, @jdblischak, #111).
  • sim_fixed_n() now utilizes the %dofuture% operator for parallelization, enhancing flexibility and reproducibility (thanks, @cmansch, #110).
  • rpwexp() adopts the inverse CDF method for random number generation, with the naive methods now as internal functions (thanks, @jianxiaoyang, #15 and #174).
  • sim_fixed_n() is optimized to skip Breslow’s method in the absence of ties (thanks, @jdblischak, #130).
  • The internal function for computing Z statistics in Fleming-Harrington weighted logrank tests is now named wlr_z_stat() (thanks, @elong0527, #105).

New features



  • Added a hex sticker logo with a generative art design for the package (thanks, @keaven, #158).

simtrial 0.2.2

GitHub release in February 2023.

This is the version that enables parallel computation in simfix().

simtrial 0.2.1

GitHub release in May 2022.

This version supports the Biometrical Journal paper “A unified framework for weighted parametric group sequential design (WPGSD)” by Keaven M. Anderson, Zifang Guo, Jing Zhao, and Linda Z. Sun.

simtrial 0.2.0

Internal development release in August 2020.

  • Updated vignettes and website.
  • Prepared for Regulatory/Industry training session in September.


Internal development release in February 2020.

  • Added wMB() to compute Magirr-Burman weights.
  • Added vignette to demonstrate working with different weighting schemes.
  • Replaced Depends with Imports in DESCRIPTION.


Internal development release in November 2019.

  • Incorporated new functions to simplify use (simfix(), simfix2simPWSurv(), pMaxCombo()).
  • Removed hgraph() with intent to put it into a release of gsDesign.
  • Limited to 2 essential vignettes.
  • Added continuous integration/continuous deployment (YAML) and pkgdown for website generation.
  • Limited dependencies to those that are essential; this removed some convenience functions not related to core package functionality.