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sim_fixed_n() provides simulations of a single endpoint two-arm trial where the enrollment, hazard ratio, and failure and dropout rates change over time.


  n_sim = 1000,
  sample_size = 500,
  target_event = 350,
  stratum = data.frame(stratum = "All", p = 1),
  enroll_rate = data.frame(duration = c(2, 2, 10), rate = c(3, 6, 9)),
  fail_rate = data.frame(stratum = "All", duration = c(3, 100), fail_rate = log(2)/c(9,
    18), hr = c(0.9, 0.6), dropout_rate = rep(0.001, 2)),
  total_duration = 30,
  block = rep(c("experimental", "control"), 2),
  timing_type = 1:5,
  rho_gamma = data.frame(rho = 0, gamma = 0)



Number of simulations to perform.


Total sample size per simulation.


Targeted event count for analysis.


A data frame with stratum specified in stratum, probability (incidence) of each stratum in p.


Piecewise constant enrollment rates by time period. Note that these are overall population enrollment rates and the stratum argument controls the random distribution between stratum.


Piecewise constant control group failure rates, hazard ratio for experimental vs. control, and dropout rates by stratum and time period.


Total follow-up from start of enrollment to data cutoff.


As in sim_pw_surv(). Vector of treatments to be included in each block.


A numeric vector determining data cutoffs used; see details. Default is to include all available cutoff methods.


A data frame with variables rho and gamma, both greater than equal to zero, to specify one Fleming-Harrington weighted logrank test per row.


A data frame including columns:

  • event: Event count.

  • ln_hr: Log-hazard ratio.

  • z: Normal test statistic; < 0 favors experimental.

  • cut: Text describing cutoff used.

  • duration: Duration of trial at cutoff for analysis.

  • sim: Sequential simulation ID.

One row per simulated dataset per cutoff specified in timing_type, per test statistic specified. If multiple Fleming-Harrington tests are specified in rho_gamma, then columns rho and gamma are also included.


timing_type has up to 5 elements indicating different options for data cutoff:

  • 1: Uses the planned study duration.

  • 2: The time the targeted event count is achieved.

  • 3: The planned minimum follow-up after enrollment is complete.

  • 4: The maximum of planned study duration and targeted event count cuts (1 and 2).

  • 5: The maximum of targeted event count and minimum follow-up cuts (2 and 3).


#> Attaching package: ‘future’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:survival’:
#>     cluster

# Example 1: logrank test ----
x <- sim_fixed_n(n_sim = 10, timing_type = 1, rho_gamma = data.frame(rho = 0, gamma = 0))
#> Backend uses sequential processing.
#> Loading required package: foreach
# Get power approximation
mean(x$z <= qnorm(.025))
#> [1] 0.2

# Example 2: WLR with FH(0,1) ----
sim_fixed_n(n_sim = 1, timing_type = 1, rho_gamma = data.frame(rho = 0, gamma = 1))
#> Backend uses sequential processing.
#>   method          parameter  estimate      se         z event      ln_hr
#> 1    WLR FH(rho=0, gamma=1) -1.608741 1.14817 -1.401136    90 -0.2204257
#>                cut duration sim
#> 1 Planned duration       30   1
# Get power approximation
mean(x$z <= qnorm(.025))
#> [1] 0.2

# \donttest{
# Example 3: MaxCombo, i.e., WLR-FH(0,0)+ WLR-FH(0,1)
# Power by test
# Only use cuts for events, events + min follow-up
x <- sim_fixed_n(
  n_sim = 10,
  timing_type = 2,
  rho_gamma = data.frame(rho = 0, gamma = c(0, 1))
#> Backend uses sequential processing.

# Get power approximation
x |>
  group_by(sim) |>
  filter(row_number() == 1) |>
  ungroup() |>
  summarize(power = mean(p_value < .025))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   power
#>   <dbl>
#> 1     1

# Example 4
# Use two cores
plan("multisession", workers = 2)
sim_fixed_n(n_sim = 10)
#> Using 2 cores with backend multisession
#>           message                      call      
#> result.1  "object 'results' not found" expression
#> result.2  "object 'results' not found" expression
#> result.3  "object 'results' not found" expression
#> result.4  "object 'results' not found" expression
#> result.5  "object 'results' not found" expression
#> result.6  "object 'results' not found" expression
#> result.7  "object 'results' not found" expression
#> result.8  "object 'results' not found" expression
#> result.9  "object 'results' not found" expression
#> result.10 "object 'results' not found" expression
# }