Framework design

Here we describe the design principles of the AlgebraicAgents. It should be of most use to advanced users and persons interested in contributing to the software. New users are encouraged to start by reading one of the tutorials ("sketches").

Simulation loop

We describe here the main simulation loop which steps models built in AlgebraicAgents forward in time.

AlgebraicAgents keeps agents synchronized by ensuring that the model will only simulate the agent(s) whose projected time (e.g. the maximum time for which that agent's trajectory has been solved) is the minimum of all agents. For example, if there are 3 agents, whose internal step sizes are of 1, 1.5, and 3 time units, respectively, then at the end of the first step, their projected time will be 1, 1.5, and 3 (assuming they all start at time 0). The simulation will find the minimum of those times and only simulate the agent(s) whose projected time(s) are equal to the minimum. In this case, it is the first agent, who is now projected to time 2 on the second step (other agents are not simulated). Now, the new minimum time is 1.5, and the second agent is projected to time 3 on the third step, etc. The simulation continues until all agents have been projected to their final time point, or the minimum of projected times reaches a maximum time horizon. If all agents take time steps of the same size, then they will all be updated each global step.

There are several functions in the interface for an AbstractAlgebraicAgent which implement these dynamics. When defining new agent types, one should implement the AlgebraicAgents._step! method, which will step that agent forward if its projected time is equal to the least projected time, among all agents in the hierarchy. Agent types also need to implement AlgebraicAgents._projected_to, which is crucial to keeping the simulation synchronized. It will return:

  • nothing if the agent does not implement its own _step! rule (e.g. FreeAgent which is a container of agents)
  • true if the agent has been projected to the final time point (_step! will not be called again)
  • a value of Number, giving the time point to which the agent has been projected

These are collected into ret, which is an object that will be true if and only if all agents have returned true, and is otherwise the minimum of the numeric values (projection times) returned from each inner agent's step.

flowchart TD Start((Enter Program))-->Project[Set t equal to minimum \n projected time]:::GreenNode Project-->RootDecision1{is root?}:::YellowNode RootDecision1 -->|yes| PreWalk[Prestep inner agents]:::GreenNode RootDecision1 -->|no| Step[Step inner agents]:::GreenNode PreWalk -.->|_prestep!| Inners([<:AbstractAlgebraicAgent]):::RedNode PreWalk --> Step Step -.->|step!| Inners subgraph inners Inners end Ret([ret]):::RedNode Inners -.->|_projected_to| Ret Step --> LocalDecision{local projected time == t\n equals the min projected time}:::YellowNode LocalDecision -->|yes| LocalStep[Local step]:::GreenNode LocalDecision -->|no| RootDecision2{is root?}:::YellowNode LocalStep -.->|_projected_to| Ret LocalStep --> RootDecision2 subgraph Opera RootDecision2 -->|yes| InstantOpera[Execute instantaneous interactions]:::GreenNode InstantOpera --> FutureOpera[Execute delayed interactions]:::GreenNode FutureOpera --> ControlOpera[Execute control interactions]:::GreenNode end Opera -.->|_projected_to| Ret RootDecision2 -->|no| Stop ControlOpera --> Stop((Exit program and\n return ret)) classDef GreenNode fill:#D5E8D4,stroke:#82B366; classDef RedNode fill:#F8CECC,stroke:#B85450; classDef YellowNode fill:#FFE6CC,stroke:#D79B00;

Above we show a caricature of the main simulation loop. "Enter program" corresponds to the call to simulate, the value of ret is (typically) initialized to 0.0. The simulation continues to step while ret is not true (meaning the maximum time horizon has been reached by the slowest agent), or has not exceeded some maximum.

The inner area enclosed by a dashed border represents where program control is given to the step! method. The root agent applies _prestep! recurvisely to all of its inner (enclosed) agents. After this, step! is then applied to all inner agents, and ret is updated by each of them. Then the agent applies its own local update _step! if its own projected time is equal to the minimum of all inner agent projected times (not shown). Then the Opera module for additional interactions is called for the root agent.


The Opera system allows interactions between agents to be scheduled. By default, AlgebraicAgents.jl provides support for three types of interactions:

  • futures (delayed interactions)
  • system controls
  • instantious interactions

For more details, see the API documentation of Opera and our tests.


You may schedule function calls, to be executed at predetermined points of time. An action is modeled as a tuple (id, call, time), where id is an optional textual identifier of the action and call is a (parameterless) anonymous function, which will be called at the given time. Once the action is executed, the return value with corresponding action id and execution time is added to futures_log field of Opera instance.

See add_future! and @future.


alice = MyAgentType("alice")
interact = agent -> wake_up!(agent)
@future alice 5.0 interact(alice) "alice_schedule"

The solver will stop at t=5 and call the function () -> interact(alice) (a closure is taken at the time when @future is invoked). This interaction is identified as "alice_schedule".

Control Interactions

You may schedule control function calls, to be executed at every step of the model. An action is modeled as a tuple (id, call), where id is an optional textual identifier of the action, and call is a (parameterless) anonymous function. Once the action is executed, the return value with corresponding action id and execution time is added to controls_log field of Opera instance.

See add_control! and @control.


system = MyAgentType("system")
control = agent -> agent.temp > 100 && cool!(agent)
@control system control(system) "temperature control"

At each step, the solver will call the function () -> control(system) (a closure is taken at the time when @future is invoked).

Instantious Interactions

You may schedule additional interactions which exist within a single step of the model; such actions are modeled as named tuples (id, priority=0., call). Here, call is a (parameterless) anonymous function.

They exist within a single step of the model and are executed after the calls to _prestep! and _step! finish, in the order of the assigned priorities.

In particular, you may schedule interactions of two kinds:

  • poke(agent, priority), which will translate into a call () -> _interact!(agent), with the specified priority,
  • @call opera expresion priority, which will translate into a call () -> expression, with the specified priority.

See poke and @call.


# `poke`
poke(agent, 1.) # call `_interact!(agent)`; this call is added to the instantious priority queue with priority 1
# `@call`
bob_agent = only(getagent(agent, r"bob"))
@call agent wake_up(bob_agent) # translates into `() -> wake_up(bob_agent)` with priority 0


It is possible to explicitly establish oriented "wires" along which information flows between different agents in a hierarchy. Note that it is possible to retrieve and modify the state of any other agent from within any agent, in any way. However, in some cases, it may be desirable to explicitly specify that certain agents observe a particular state variable of another agent.

Consider the following example. First, we set up the hierarchy.

alice = MyAgentType("alice")
alice1 = MyAgentType("alice1")
entangle!(alice, alice1)

bob = MyAgentType("bob")
bob1 = MyAgentType("bob1")
entangle!(bob, bob1)

joint_system = ⊕(alice, bob, name = "joint system")
agent joint system with uuid 8b70215e of type FreeAgent 
   inner agents: 
    agent alice with uuid cff592c1 of type Main.MyAgentType 
       inner agents: alice1
    agent bob with uuid cfa9ba67 of type Main.MyAgentType 
       inner agents: bob1

We then add the wires. Note that the agents connected by a wire can be specified using the respective agent objects, relative paths, or their UUIDs.

Additionally, you can assign names to the edges of a wire (which are nothing by default). These names can subsequently be used to fetch the information incoming along an edge, a process that we will describe below.

add_wire!(joint_system; from=alice, to=bob, from_var_name="alice_x", to_var_name="bob_x")
add_wire!(joint_system; from=bob, to=alice, from_var_name="bob_y", to_var_name="alice_y")

add_wire!(joint_system; from=alice, to=alice1, from_var_name="alice_x", to_var_name="alice1_x")
add_wire!(joint_system; from=bob, to=bob1, from_var_name="bob_x", to_var_name="bob1_x")
4-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:from, :from_var_name, :to, :to_var_name), <:Tuple{AbstractAlgebraicAgent, Any, AbstractAlgebraicAgent, Any}}}:
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "alice_x", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=bob, uuid=cfa9ba67, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, to_var_name = "bob_x")
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=bob, uuid=cfa9ba67, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "bob_y", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, to_var_name = "alice_y")
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "alice_x", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice1, uuid=9e54e426, parent=Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}}, to_var_name = "alice1_x")
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=bob, uuid=cfa9ba67, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "bob_x", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=bob1, uuid=910a534e, parent=Main.MyAgentType{name=bob, uuid=cfa9ba67, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}}, to_var_name = "bob1_x")

We list the wires going from and to alice and alice1, respectively.

2-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:from, :from_var_name, :to, :to_var_name), <:Tuple{AbstractAlgebraicAgent, Any, AbstractAlgebraicAgent, Any}}}:
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "alice_x", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=bob, uuid=cfa9ba67, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, to_var_name = "bob_x")
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "alice_x", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice1, uuid=9e54e426, parent=Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}}, to_var_name = "alice1_x")
1-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:from, :from_var_name, :to, :to_var_name), <:Tuple{AbstractAlgebraicAgent, Any, AbstractAlgebraicAgent, Any}}}:
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "alice_x", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice1, uuid=9e54e426, parent=Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}}, to_var_name = "alice1_x")

All the wires within an hierarchy can be retrieved as follows:

4-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:from, :from_var_name, :to, :to_var_name), <:Tuple{AbstractAlgebraicAgent, Any, AbstractAlgebraicAgent, Any}}}:
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "alice_x", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=bob, uuid=cfa9ba67, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, to_var_name = "bob_x")
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=bob, uuid=cfa9ba67, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "bob_y", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, to_var_name = "alice_y")
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "alice_x", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=alice1, uuid=9e54e426, parent=Main.MyAgentType{name=alice, uuid=cff592c1, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}}, to_var_name = "alice1_x")
 (from = Main.MyAgentType{name=bob, uuid=cfa9ba67, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}, from_var_name = "bob_x", to = Main.MyAgentType{name=bob1, uuid=910a534e, parent=Main.MyAgentType{name=bob, uuid=cfa9ba67, parent=FreeAgent{name=joint system, uuid=8b70215e, parent=nothing}}}, to_var_name = "bob1_x")

Given an agent, if getobservable is implemented for all agents that feed information into the specific agent, we can fetch the values incoming to it.

AlgebraicAgents.getobservable(a::MyAgentType, args...) = getname(a)

Dict{String, String} with 1 entry:
  "alice1_x" => "alice"

Additionally, we can plot the agents in the hierarchy, displaying the links between parents and children, along with the wires. The output can be adjusted as needed. Note that it is also possible to export an agent hierarchy as a Mermaid diagram. See typetree_mmd and agent_hierarchy_mmd.

In what follows, wiring_diagram generates a visually appealing Graphviz diagram.

graph1 = wiring_diagram(joint_system)

run_graphviz("gv1.svg", graph1)

# Do not show edges between parents and children.
graph2 = wiring_diagram(joint_system; parentship_edges=false)

run_graphviz("gv2.svg", graph2)

# Only show listed agents.
graph3 = wiring_diagram([alice, alice1, bob, bob1])

run_graphviz("gv3.svg", graph3)

# Group agents into two clusters.
graph4 = wiring_diagram([[alice, alice1], [bob, bob1]])

run_graphviz("gv4.svg", graph4)

# Provide labels for clusters.
graph5 = wiring_diagram([[alice, alice1], [bob, bob1]]; group_labels=["alice", "bob"], parentship_edges=false)

run_graphviz("gv5.svg", graph5)