Simulating Stochastic Reaction Systems

To demonstrate the generality of AlgebraicAgents.jl, we demonstrate here how to use the package to set up a type system capable of simulating continuous time discrete state stochastic processes using the method described by Anderson (2007).

We begin by importing packages we will use.

using AlgebraicAgents, Distributions, DataFrames, Plots

Reaction System

We use the @aagent struct to define a new type which is a concrete subtype of AbstractAlgebraicAgent called ReactionSystem. It contains data members:

  • t: current simulation time
  • Δ: the interarrival time between events
  • X: current system state
  • X0: initial system state
  • df_output: a DataFrame contining the sampled trajectory
@aagent struct ReactionSystem{T,S}

We define a method make_reactionsystem which constructs a concrete instantiation of the ReactionSystem type, with a given name and initial state X0. Note that we use entangle! to add an instantiation of the FreeAgent type exported from AlgebraicAgents to the object. This agent is called "clocks" and will contain agents which jointly make up the stochastic dynamics of the system.

function make_reactionsystem(name::T, X0::Vector{S}) where {T,S}
    df_output = DataFrame(time=Float64[],clock=String[])
    for i in eachindex(X0)
        insertcols!(df_output, Symbol("X"*string(i))=>S[])
    rs = ReactionSystem{Float64,S}(name, 0.0, 0.0, X0, X0, df_output)
    entangle!(rs, FreeAgent("clocks"))
    return rs
make_reactionsystem (generic function with 1 method)

Because the ReactionSystem itself has no dynamics (it represents the "world state"), its implementation of AlgebraicAgents._step! does nothing.

AlgebraicAgents._step!(a::ReactionSystem) = nothing

We also need to implement AlgebraicAgents._projected_to for ReactionSystem. In this case because the times to which the system is solved are determined by the individual stochastic processes which make up the system (defined later), we can set it to the trivial implementation which does nothing.

AlgebraicAgents._projected_to(a::ReactionSystem) = nothing

Clock Process

The key concept in Anderson (2007) is that the stochastic system is defined by a set of clocks, each of which fires at the points of an inhomogeneous Poisson process. Strictly speaking, each clock process $k$ also has an associated marking $\nu_{k}$, which updates the state of the system. Let $M$ be the total number of clock processes.

Consider the state $X(t)$ at a time $t$ to be a vector of integers. Let each clock process have an associated counting process $R_{k}(t)$ which tells us the number of times it has fired up to time $t$. Then we can write the current model state as a function of the set of all counting processes, their markings, and the initial condition as:

\[X(t) = X(0) + \sum_{k=1}^{M} R_{k}(t) \nu_{k}\]

We can write each counting process as arising from an inhomogenous Poisson process with intensity function $a_{k}(X)$. Specific forms of $a_{k}$ and $\nu_{k}$ will make meaningful models for chemical reactions, ecological systems, epidemiological processes, sociology, or other domains.

\[R_{k}(t) = Y_{k}\left(\int_{0}^{t}a_{k}(X(s))ds\right)\]

The above is therefore an expression of the counting process in terms of a unit rate Poisson process $Y_{k}$. Via the random time change theorem by transforming time according to the integrated intensity $T_{k}(t) = \int_{0}^{t}a_{k}(X(s))ds$ we get the proper inhomogeneous Poisson process, such that when the intensity is high, more events occur (i.e. the inter-arrival time is smaller), and vice-versa for low intensity.

To apply the method of Anderson (2007) we need one more definition, $P_{k}$, which is the next firing time of $T_{k}$, applying the random time change such that it advances at unit exponentially-distributed increments.

\[ P_{k} = \{s > T_{k} : Y_{k}(s) > Y_{k}(T_{k}) \}\]

Now let us define $R_{k}$ using the @aagent macro from AlgebraicAgents. It contains data members:

  • P: the next internal firing time of the homogeneous Poisson process
  • T: the internal time of the homogeneous Poisson process
  • Δt: absolute (wall-clock) time time before next putative firing
  • τ: next asbolute putative time to fire
  • a: current value of $a_{k}$
  • intensity: the intensity function $a_{k}$, which accepts as input $X$ and returns floating point value
  • ν: the marking which updates state (a vector)
@aagent struct Clock{N<:Real,Fn<:Function,S<:Number}

We must now define a method which adds a clock process to an object of type ReactionSystem. This "initialization" method implements steps 1-5 of Algorithm 3 in Anderson's paper. Readers should note that we include step 5 as initialization and then compute it again at the end of the loop via using a control interaction because of how AlgebraicAgents structures updates.

function add_clock!(rs::ReactionSystem, name::T, intensity::U, ν::Vector{S}) where {T,U,S}
    c = Clock{Float64,U,S}(name, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, intensity, ν)

    c.a = c.intensity(rs.X)
    c.P = rand(Exponential())
    c.Δt = (c.P - c.T) / c.a
    c.τ += c.Δt

    entangle!(inners(rs)["clocks"], c)

    add_control!(rs, () -> control_clock(c), "control " * name)
add_clock! (generic function with 1 method)

We must implement AlgebraicAgents._projected_to for the type Clock. Here it will return the putative times to fire. This is because the simulation method (and many other continuous time discrete event simulation algorithms) updates via a race condition, where the next event to cause a state change is the one that "actually happens". AlgebraicAgents selects the agent(s) to _step! as the ones whose projected time is the minimum of all projected times, so that the clock that fires first will be the one whose dynamics occur for this next iteration of the simulation loop. Because the next times are sampled from the points of Poisson processes they almost surely occur at unique times, and therefore conflicts cannot occur.

It is interesting to note here that AlgebraicAgents can implement any algorithm that depends on such a race condition.

function AlgebraicAgents._projected_to(c::Clock)

Now we implement AlgebraicAgents._step! for type Clock. In this method, steps 6,7, and 9 of Algorithm 3 from the paper are implemented (specific order of 8 and 9 is not important). Basically, we update the global time to the time this clock fired, update the state $X$, and draw the new next firing time $P_{k}$. We also push output to the top level agent, which is of type ReactionSystem. Each update log will have the time of the event, the name of the clock that caused it, and the new system state.

function AlgebraicAgents._step!(c::Clock)

    if isinf(c.τ)
        return nothing

    topmost(c).Δ = c.τ - topmost(c).t
    topmost(c).t = c.τ
    topmost(c).X += c.ν
    c.P += rand(Exponential())

    push!(topmost(c).df_output, [topmost(c).t, getname(c), topmost(c).X...])

Finally we must implement the control interaction which is applied to each clock at the end of an iteration in the loop. This implements steps 8,9, and 5 of Algorithm 3 (note that we are allowed to move step 5 to the end because we also included it in the "initialization" phase earlier). It also updates the putative next firing time.

function control_clock(c::Clock)
    c.T += c.a * topmost(c).Δ
    c.a = c.intensity(topmost(c).X)
    c.Δt = (c.P - c.T) / c.a
    c.τ = topmost(c).t + c.Δt
control_clock (generic function with 1 method)


We will simulate a continuous time stochastic SIR (Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered) model. For mathematical details on this model, please consult Allen (2017). Let us use parameters $\beta$ to represent the effective contact rate, and $\gamma$ to represent the recovery rate.

β = 0.05*10.0/1000
γ = 0.25

Now we make a ReactionSystem object, and initialize it to a population with 990 susceptible persons, 10 infectious persons, and 0 recovered persons. The two events in the system are infection and recovery, which fire according to the rates given by the anonymous functions passed to add_clock!.

rs = make_reactionsystem("SIR", [990, 10, 0])
add_clock!(rs, "infection", (x) -> β*x[2]*x[1], [-1,1,0])
add_clock!(rs, "recovery", (x) -> γ*x[2], [0,-1,1])
2-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:id, :call), <:Tuple{AbstractString, Function}}}:
 (id = "control infection", call = Main.var"#9#10"{Main.Clock{Float64, Main.var"#11#12", Int64}}(Main.Clock{Float64, Main.var"#11#12", Int64}{name=infection, uuid=022ab267, parent=FreeAgent{name=clocks, uuid=7b6eb6ee, parent=Main.ReactionSystem{Float64, Int64}{name=SIR, uuid=d9ba9332, parent=nothing}}}))
 (id = "control recovery", call = Main.var"#9#10"{Main.Clock{Float64, Main.var"#13#14", Int64}}(Main.Clock{Float64, Main.var"#13#14", Int64}{name=recovery, uuid=e54fcccc, parent=FreeAgent{name=clocks, uuid=7b6eb6ee, parent=Main.ReactionSystem{Float64, Int64}{name=SIR, uuid=d9ba9332, parent=nothing}}}))

Now we call simulate on the constructed system. Because a clock will return a next event time of Inf when its rate is 0 (meaning it will never fire again), when all clocks return Inf it means the simulation is over, because nothing else can happen. Therefore we pass as the second argument to simulate the largest representable floating point value. When all clocks return Inf, the minimum will be larger than this value and the simulation loop will end.

simulate(rs, floatmax(Float64))
agent SIR with uuid d9ba9332 of type Main.ReactionSystem{Float64, Int64} 
   custom properties:
   t: 48.026271541320334
   Δ: 0.600759333221049
   X: [226, 0, 774]
   X0: [990, 10, 0]
   df_output: 1538×5 DataFrame
  Row │ time        clock      X1     X2     X3
      │ Float64     String     Int64  Int64  Int64
    1 │  0.0254895  infection    989     11      0
    2 │  0.100128   infection    988     12      0
    3 │  0.161759   infection    987     13      0
    4 │  0.26913    infection    986     14      0
    5 │  0.291586   infection    985     15      0
    6 │  0.472208   infection    984     16      0
    7 │  0.543662   recovery     984     15      1
    8 │  0.967917   infection    983     16      1
  ⋮   │     ⋮           ⋮        ⋮      ⋮      ⋮
 1532 │ 40.5346     recovery     228      2    770
 1533 │ 45.7095     infection    227      3    770
 1534 │ 46.4812     recovery     227      2    771
 1535 │ 46.7781     infection    226      3    771
 1536 │ 47.1743     recovery     226      2    772
 1537 │ 47.4255     recovery     226      1    773
 1538 │ 48.0263     recovery     226      0    774
                                  1523 rows omitted
   inner agents: 
    agent clocks with uuid 7b6eb6ee of type FreeAgent 
       inner agents: recovery, infection

After simulation is complete, we can extract the simulated trajectory.

df_out = select(rs.df_output, Not(:clock));
plot(df_out[!,:time], Matrix(df_out[:,[:X1,:X2,:X3]]), label = ["S" "I" "R"])

Stochastic Petri Net

Stochastic Petri nets (SPN) are a mathematical language to describe distributed systems which evolve according to a stochastic trajectory. There are many ways to define them, and for a comprehensive overview of their modeling power, we reccomend Haas (2002). We will implement a very simple SPN to set up a state transition system. Our SPN is nearly identical to the category of Petri net proposed by Kock (2023), with the addition of a rate parameter associated with each transition. When we assume that overall transition rates occur according to the mass action law multiplied by the rate constant associated with that transition, we will be able to produce a ReactionSystem that can be simulated using the code above.

@aagent struct StochasticPetriNet



The StochasticPetriNet has objects corresponding to (Sets) of places, transitions, input and output arcs. There are mappings (Functions) which indicate which place or transition each input (output) arc is connected to. For example ip is of length I, such that each input arc identifies which place is is connected to (likewise for it, but for transitions). Instead of arc multiplicites, we duplicate arcs, which has the same effect, and simplifies the code.

We write a helper function to construct SPNs. It is only responsible for checking our input makes sense.

function make_stochasticpetrinet(name, P, T, I, O, ip, it, op, ot, rate)
    @assert length(T) == length(rate)
    @assert all([p ∈ P for p in ip])
    @assert all([t ∈ T for t in it])
    @assert all([p ∈ P for p in op])
    @assert all([t ∈ T for t in ot])
    @assert I == length(ip)
    @assert I == length(it)
    @assert O == length(op)
    @assert O == length(ot)
    StochasticPetriNet(name, P, T, I, O, ip, it, op, ot, rate)
make_stochasticpetrinet (generic function with 1 method)

The structural components of the SIR model are all in the SPN generated below. Note that there are two output arcs from the "infection" transition, to the "I" compartment. This is the same as having a single arc of multiplicity 2, we model arcs "individually" here only to make the code cleaner and more readable.

sir_spn = make_stochasticpetrinet(
    "SIR", [:S,:I,:R], [:inf,:rec],
    3, 3,
    [:S,:I,:I], [:inf,:inf,:rec],
    [:I,:I,:R], [:inf,:inf,:rec],
    Dict((:inf => β), (:rec => γ))
agent SIR with uuid 70d8407c of type Main.StochasticPetriNet 
   custom properties:
   P: [:S, :I, :R]
   T: [:inf, :rec]
   I: 3
   O: 3
   ip: [:S, :I, :I]
   it: [:inf, :inf, :rec]
   op: [:I, :I, :R]
   ot: [:inf, :inf, :rec]
   rate: Dict(:inf => 0.0005, :rec => 0.25)

Now we can write a function which generates a ReactionSystem from our SPN, assuming the law of mass action. The argument X0 is the initial marking.

Note that in this simple example, we do not check the logical "enabling rules" for each transition, we directly compute the current rate/intensity. Because the net assumes the law of mass action, the computed rate will equal zero when the transition is not enabled, but this is not true of more general SPNs. A complete implementation would compute enabling rules from input arcs, and require the user to specify the rate as a Function that computed the intensity of that transition if the enabling rule for that transition evaluated to true. We would also want to apply the "consumption" of input tokens and the "production" of output tokens seperately, rather than compute the difference of consumption and production as the overall difference, as done here.

function generate_reaction_system(spn::StochasticPetriNet, X0)

    mass_action_rs = make_reactionsystem(getname(spn), X0)

    # for each transition, we must make a stochastic clock in the reaction system
    for t in spn.T
        # get the vector of preconditions (number of times each place is an input for this transition)
        precond = zeros(Int, length(spn.P))
        # get a vector of input indices
        precond_ix = Int[]
        for i in eachindex(
            if[i] != t
                push!(precond_ix, findfirst(isequal(spn.ip[i]), spn.P))
                precond[precond_ix[end]] += 1
        # get the vector of postconditions (number of times each places is an output for this transition)
        postcond = zeros(Int, length(spn.P))
        for i in eachindex(spn.ot)
            if spn.ot[i] != t
                postcond[findfirst(isequal(spn.op[i]), spn.P)] += 1
        # total change to the marking as a result of transition t
        change = postcond - precond
        # add a stochastic clock to the reaction system for transition t
            mass_action_rs, String(t), (x) -> prod(x[precond_ix])*spn.rate[t], change

    return mass_action_rs
generate_reaction_system (generic function with 1 method)

Now we can generate the reaction system which implements the stochastic dynamics of the SIR model from the Petri net representing the structural constraints of the SIR model. In this way, we seperate specification of structure from specification of dynamics. We use the same initial condition as before.

x0 = [990, 10, 0]
sir_rs = generate_reaction_system(sir_spn, x0)
agent SIR with uuid 15a665d5 of type Main.ReactionSystem{Float64, Int64} 
   custom properties:
   t: 0.0
   Δ: 0.0
   X: [990, 10, 0]
   X0: [990, 10, 0]
   df_output: 0×5 DataFrame
 Row │ time     clock   X1     X2     X3
     │ Float64  String  Int64  Int64  Int64
   inner agents: 
    agent clocks with uuid 0b47e1e1 of type FreeAgent 
       inner agents: rec, inf

We now run another simulation.

simulate(sir_rs, floatmax(Float64))
agent SIR with uuid 15a665d5 of type Main.ReactionSystem{Float64, Int64} 
   custom properties:
   t: 70.63373040837106
   Δ: 8.62602923711983
   X: [202, 0, 798]
   X0: [990, 10, 0]
   df_output: 1586×5 DataFrame
  Row │ time       clock   X1     X2     X3
      │ Float64    String  Int64  Int64  Int64
    1 │  0.376219  inf       989     11      0
    2 │  0.631224  rec       989     10      1
    3 │  0.818702  rec       989      9      2
    4 │  0.827337  rec       989      8      3
    5 │  1.60612   inf       988      9      3
    6 │  1.82402   inf       987     10      3
    7 │  1.91429   inf       986     11      3
    8 │  2.06514   inf       985     12      3
  ⋮   │     ⋮        ⋮       ⋮      ⋮      ⋮
 1580 │ 57.5206    rec       203      4    793
 1581 │ 58.0865    rec       203      3    794
 1582 │ 58.1681    inf       202      4    794
 1583 │ 60.1493    rec       202      3    795
 1584 │ 61.7035    rec       202      2    796
 1585 │ 62.0077    rec       202      1    797
 1586 │ 70.6337    rec       202      0    798
                              1571 rows omitted
   inner agents: 
    agent clocks with uuid 0b47e1e1 of type FreeAgent 
       inner agents: rec, inf

We can make another plot. Although the parameters are the same, the stochastic trajectory should look a little different, due to the randomness in the two driving Poisson processes.

df_out = select(sir_rs.df_output, Not(:clock));
plot(df_out[!,:time], Matrix(df_out[:,[:X1,:X2,:X3]]), label = ["S" "I" "R"])