forestly 0.1.2
- Fix a bug that prevents reactable from rendering under reactR >= 0.6.0 (#67).
- Add a new argument
for controlling slider bar label (#68).
forestly 0.1.1
CRAN release: 2024-07-08
- Add button to display SOC column for subset.
- Refine the default value of
. - Update
to be better aligned with oncology AEs reporting. - Enhance functionality related to drill-down listing.
- Inherit paramter_term from all parameters of a metadata by default (#20).
- Allow user to specify treatment group (#15).
- Add warning when using tibble as input (#17).
- Fix bug when there is no record of a selected AE category (#9).
- Fix bug when there are multiple plots displayed on one page (#12).
- Update dataset
since a variable was a factor which is unexpected.