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Build a metadata

adsl <- r2rtf::r2rtf_adsl
adsl$TRTA <- adsl$TRT01A
adsl$TRTA <- factor(adsl$TRTA,
  levels = c("Placebo", "Xanomeline Low Dose", "Xanomeline High Dose"),
  labels = c("Placebo", "Low Dose", "High Dose")

# Create a variable EOSSTT indicating the end of end of study status
adsl$EOSSTT <- sample(x = c("Participants Ongoing", "Discontinued"),
                      size = length(adsl$USUBJID), 
                      prob = c(0.8, 0.2), replace = TRUE)
# Create a variable EOTSTT1 indicating the end of treatment status part 1
adsl$EOTSTT1 <- sample(x = c("Completed", "Discontinued"),
                      size = length(adsl$USUBJID), 
                      prob = c(0.85, 0.15), replace = TRUE)
plan <- plan(
    analysis = "base_char", population = "apat",
    observation = "apat", parameter = "age;gender;race"
  ) |>
    analysis = "disp", population = "apat",
    observation = "apat", parameter = "disposition;medical-disposition"    
  ) |>
    analysis = "trt_compliance", population = "apat",
    observation = "apat", parameter = "comp8;comp16;comp24"    
meta <- meta_adam(
  population = adsl,
  observation = adsl
) |>
  define_plan(plan = plan) |>
    name = "apat",
    group = "TRTA",
    subset = quote(SAFFL == "Y"),
    var = c("USUBJID", "TRTA", "SAFFL", "AGEGR1", "SEX", "RACE", "EOSSTT", "EOTSTT1", "COMP8FL", "COMP16FL", "COMP24FL")
  ) |>
    name = "age",
    var = "AGE",
    label = "Age (years)",
    vargroup = "AGEGR1"
  ) |>
    name = "gender",
    var = "SEX",
    label = "Gender"
  ) |>
    name = "race",
    var = "RACE",
    label = "Race"
  ) |>
    name = "disposition",
    var = "EOSSTT",
    label = "Trial Disposition"
  ) |>
    name = "medical-disposition",
    var = "EOTSTT1",
    label = "Participant Study Medication Disposition"
  ) |>
    name = "comp8",
    var = "COMP8FL",
    label = "Compliance (Week 8)",
  ) |>
    name = "comp16",
    var = "COMP16FL",
    label = "Compliance (Week 16)",
  ) |>
    name = "comp24",
    var = "COMP24FL",
    label = "Compliance (Week 24)",
  ) |>
    name = "base_char",
    title = "Participant Baseline Characteristics by Treatment Group",
    label = "baseline characteristic table"
  ) |>
    name = "trt_compliance",
    title = "Summary of Treatment Compliance",
    label = "treatment compliance table"
  ) |>
    name = "disp",
    title = "Disposition of Participant",
    label = "disposition table"
  ) |>

Prepare the numbers

outdata <- meta |>
    parameter = "age;gender;race"

## List of 14
##  $ meta           :List of 7
##  $ population     : chr "apat"
##  $ observation    : chr "apat"
##  $ parameter      : chr "age;gender;race"
##  $ n              :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ order          : NULL
##  $ group          : chr "TRTA"
##  $ reference_group: NULL
##  $ char_n         :List of 3
##  $ char_var       : chr [1:3] "AGE" "SEX" "RACE"
##  $ char_prop      :List of 3
##  $ var_type       :List of 3
##  $ group_label    : Factor w/ 3 levels "Placebo","Low Dose",..: 1 3 2
##  $ analysis       : chr "base_char"
##                         name n_1 n_2 n_3 n_9999 var_label
## 1 Participants in population  86  84  84    254     -----
## [[1]]
##        name        Placebo Low Dose   High Dose    Total   var_label
## 1       <65             14        8          11       33 Age (years)
## 2       >80             30       29          18       77 Age (years)
## 3     65-80             42       47          55      144 Age (years)
## 4      <NA>           <NA>     <NA>        <NA>     <NA> Age (years)
## 5      Mean           75.2     75.7        74.4     75.1 Age (years)
## 6        SD            8.6      8.3         7.9      8.2 Age (years)
## 7        SE            0.9      0.9         0.9      0.5 Age (years)
## 8    Median           76.0     77.5        76.0     77.0 Age (years)
## 9       Min           52.0     51.0        56.0     51.0 Age (years)
## 10      Max           89.0     88.0        88.0     89.0 Age (years)
## 11 Q1 to Q3 69.25 to 81.75 71 to 82 70.75 to 80 70 to 81 Age (years)
## 12    Range       52 to 89 51 to 88    56 to 88 51 to 89 Age (years)
## [[2]]
##   name Placebo Low Dose High Dose Total var_label
## 1    F      53       50        40   143    Gender
## 2    M      33       34        44   111    Gender
## [[3]]
##                               name Placebo Low Dose High Dose Total var_label
## 1 AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE       0        0         1     1      Race
## 2        BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN       8        6         9    23      Race
## 3                            WHITE      78       78        74   230      Race
## [1] "AGE"  "SEX"  "RACE"
## [[1]]
##        name  Placebo Low Dose High Dose    Total   var_label
## 1       <65 16.27907  9.52381  13.09524 12.99213 Age (years)
## 2       >80 34.88372 34.52381  21.42857 30.31496 Age (years)
## 3     65-80 48.83721 55.95238  65.47619 56.69291 Age (years)
## 4      <NA>       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 5      Mean       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 6        SD       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 7        SE       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 8    Median       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 9       Min       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 10      Max       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 11 Q1 to Q3       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## 12    Range       NA       NA        NA       NA Age (years)
## [[2]]
##   name  Placebo Low Dose High Dose    Total var_label
## 1    F 61.62791 59.52381  47.61905 56.29921    Gender
## 2    M 38.37209 40.47619  52.38095 43.70079    Gender
## [[3]]
##                               name   Placebo  Low Dose High Dose      Total
## 1 AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE  0.000000  0.000000  1.190476  0.3937008
## 2        BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN  9.302326  7.142857 10.714286  9.0551181
## 3                            WHITE 90.697674 92.857143 88.095238 90.5511811
##   var_label
## 1      Race
## 2      Race
## 3      Race

Format the numbers

outdata <- outdata |> format_base_char(display_col = c("n", "prop", "total"), digits_prop = 2)

##                                name            n_1     p_1      n_2     p_2
## 1        Participants in population             86    <NA>       84    <NA>
## 2                               <65             14 (16.28)        8  (9.52)
## 3                               >80             30 (34.88)       29 (34.52)
## 4                             65-80             42 (48.84)       47 (55.95)
## 5                              <NA>           <NA>    <NA>     <NA>    <NA>
## 6                              Mean           75.2    <NA>     75.7    <NA>
## 7                                SD            8.6    <NA>      8.3    <NA>
## 8                                SE            0.9    <NA>      0.9    <NA>
## 9                            Median           76.0    <NA>     77.5    <NA>
## 10                         Q1 to Q3 69.25 to 81.75    <NA> 71 to 82    <NA>
## 11                            Range       52 to 89    <NA> 51 to 88    <NA>
## 12                                F             53 (61.63)       50 (59.52)
## 13                                M             33 (38.37)       34 (40.48)
## 14 AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE              0  (0.00)        0  (0.00)
## 15        BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              8  (9.30)        6  (7.14)
## 16                            WHITE             78 (90.70)       78 (92.86)
##            n_3     p_3   n_9999  p_9999   var_label
## 1           84    <NA>      254    <NA>       -----
## 2           11 (13.10)       33 (12.99) Age (years)
## 3           18 (21.43)       77 (30.31) Age (years)
## 4           55 (65.48)      144 (56.69) Age (years)
## 5         <NA>    <NA>     <NA>    <NA> Age (years)
## 6         74.4    <NA>     75.1    <NA> Age (years)
## 7          7.9    <NA>      8.2    <NA> Age (years)
## 8          0.9    <NA>      0.5    <NA> Age (years)
## 9         76.0    <NA>     77.0    <NA> Age (years)
## 10 70.75 to 80    <NA> 70 to 81    <NA> Age (years)
## 11    56 to 88    <NA> 51 to 89    <NA> Age (years)
## 12          40 (47.62)      143 (56.30)      Gender
## 13          44 (52.38)      111 (43.70)      Gender
## 14           1  (1.19)        1  (0.39)        Race
## 15           9 (10.71)       23  (9.06)        Race
## 16          74 (88.10)      230 (90.55)        Race
outdata <- outdata |> format_base_char(display_col = c("n", "prop"), digits_prop = 3)

##                                name            n_1      p_1      n_2      p_2
## 1        Participants in population             86     <NA>       84     <NA>
## 2                               <65             14 (16.279)        8  (9.524)
## 3                               >80             30 (34.884)       29 (34.524)
## 4                             65-80             42 (48.837)       47 (55.952)
## 5                              <NA>           <NA>     <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
## 6                              Mean           75.2     <NA>     75.7     <NA>
## 7                                SD            8.6     <NA>      8.3     <NA>
## 8                                SE            0.9     <NA>      0.9     <NA>
## 9                            Median           76.0     <NA>     77.5     <NA>
## 10                         Q1 to Q3 69.25 to 81.75     <NA> 71 to 82     <NA>
## 11                            Range       52 to 89     <NA> 51 to 88     <NA>
## 12                                F             53 (61.628)       50 (59.524)
## 13                                M             33 (38.372)       34 (40.476)
## 14 AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE              0  (0.000)        0  (0.000)
## 15        BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN              8  (9.302)        6  (7.143)
## 16                            WHITE             78 (90.698)       78 (92.857)
##            n_3      p_3   var_label
## 1           84     <NA>       -----
## 2           11 (13.095) Age (years)
## 3           18 (21.429) Age (years)
## 4           55 (65.476) Age (years)
## 5         <NA>     <NA> Age (years)
## 6         74.4     <NA> Age (years)
## 7          7.9     <NA> Age (years)
## 8          0.9     <NA> Age (years)
## 9         76.0     <NA> Age (years)
## 10 70.75 to 80     <NA> Age (years)
## 11    56 to 88     <NA> Age (years)
## 12          40 (47.619)      Gender
## 13          44 (52.381)      Gender
## 14           1  (1.190)        Race
## 15           9 (10.714)        Race
## 16          74 (88.095)        Race

Output as RTF

outdata |> rtf_base_char(
  source = "Source: [CDISCpilot: adam-adsl]",
  path_outdata = tempfile(fileext = ".Rdata"),
  path_outtable = "base_char.rtf"
## The outdata is saved in/tmp/RtmpQFc9y0/file195a668e1637.Rdata
## The output is saved in/home/runner/work/

Create Treatment Compliance Table

outdata <- meta |>
## List of 14
##  $ meta           :List of 7
##  $ population     : chr "apat"
##  $ observation    : chr "apat"
##  $ parameter      : chr "comp8;comp16;comp24"
##  $ n              :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ order          : NULL
##  $ group          : chr "TRTA"
##  $ reference_group: NULL
##  $ char_n         :List of 3
##  $ char_var       : chr [1:3] "COMP8FL" "COMP16FL" "COMP24FL"
##  $ char_prop      :List of 3
##  $ var_type       :List of 3
##  $ group_label    : Factor w/ 3 levels "Placebo","Low Dose",..: 1 3 2
##  $ analysis       : chr "trt_compliance"
outdata |> 
  format_trt_compliance(display_col = c("n", "prop"), digits_prop = 3) |>
  source = "Source: [CDISCpilot: adam-adsl]",
  path_outdata = tempfile(fileext = ".Rdata"),
  path_outtable = tempfile(fileext = ".rtf")
## The outdata is saved in/tmp/RtmpQFc9y0/file195a570c276e.Rdata
## The output is saved in/tmp/RtmpQFc9y0/file195a3466e859.rtf

Create Treatment Compliance Table

outdata <- meta |>
## List of 14
##  $ meta           :List of 7
##  $ population     : chr "apat"
##  $ observation    : chr "apat"
##  $ parameter      : chr "disposition;medical-disposition"
##  $ n              :'data.frame': 1 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ order          : NULL
##  $ group          : chr "TRTA"
##  $ reference_group: NULL
##  $ char_n         :List of 2
##  $ char_var       : chr [1:2] "EOSSTT" "EOTSTT1"
##  $ char_prop      :List of 2
##  $ var_type       :List of 2
##  $ group_label    : Factor w/ 3 levels "Placebo","Low Dose",..: 1 3 2
##  $ analysis       : chr "disp"
outdata |> 
  format_disposition() |>
  source = "Source: [CDISCpilot: adam-adsl]",
  path_outdata = tempfile(fileext = ".Rdata"),
  path_outtable = tempfile(fileext = ".rtf")