Time-to-event data example 6 for non-proportional hazards working group
Survival objects reverse-engineered datasets from published Kaplan-Meier curves. Individual trials are de-identified since the data are only approximations of the actual data. Data are intended to evaluate methods and designs for trials where non-proportional hazards may be anticipated for outcome data.
Data frame with 4 variables:
: Sequential numbering of unique identifiers.month
: Time-to-event.event
: 1 for event, 0 for censored.trt
: 1 for experimental, 0 for control.
Lin, Ray S., Ji Lin, Satrajit Roychoudhury, Keaven M. Anderson, Tianle Hu, Bo Huang, Larry F Leon, Jason J.Z. Liao, Rong Liu, Xiaodong Luo, Pralay Mukhopadhyay, Rui Qin, Kay Tatsuoka, Xuejing Wang, Yang Wang, Jian Zhu, Tai-Tsang Chen, Renee Iacona & Cross-Pharma Non-proportional Hazards Working Group. 2020. Alternative analysis methods for time to event endpoints under nonproportional hazards: A comparative analysis. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 12(2): 187–198.