Convert enrollment and failure rates from sim_fixed_n()
to sim_pw_surv()
Source: R/to_sim_pw_surv.R
converts failure rates and dropout rates entered in
the simpler format for sim_fixed_n()
to that used for sim_pw_surv()
The fail_rate
argument for sim_fixed_n()
requires enrollment rates,
failure rates hazard ratios and dropout rates by stratum for a 2-arm trial,
is in a more flexible but less obvious but more flexible
format. Since sim_fixed_n()
automatically analyzes data and sim_pw_surv()
just produces a simulation dataset, the latter provides additional options
to analyze or otherwise evaluate individual simulations in ways that
does not.
A list of two data frame components formatted for
: fail_rate
and dropout_rate
# Example 1
# Convert standard input
#> $fail_rate
#> stratum period treatment duration rate
#> 1 All 1 control 3 0.07701635
#> 2 All 2 control 100 0.03850818
#> 3 All 1 experimental 3 0.06931472
#> 4 All 2 experimental 100 0.02310491
#> $dropout_rate
#> stratum period treatment duration rate
#> 1 All 1 control 3 0.001
#> 2 All 2 control 100 0.001
#> 3 All 1 experimental 3 0.001
#> 4 All 2 experimental 100 0.001
# Stratified example
fail_rate <- data.frame(
stratum = c(rep("Low", 3), rep("High", 3)),
duration = rep(c(4, 10, 100), 2),
fail_rate = c(
.04, .1, .06,
.08, .16, .12
hr = c(
1.5, .5, 2 / 3,
2, 10 / 16, 10 / 12
dropout_rate = .01
x <- to_sim_pw_surv(fail_rate)
# Do a single simulation with the above rates
# Enroll 300 patients in ~12 months at constant rate
sim <- sim_pw_surv(
n = 300,
stratum = data.frame(stratum = c("Low", "High"), p = c(.6, .4)),
enroll_rate = data.frame(duration = 12, rate = 300 / 12),
fail_rate = x$fail_rate,
dropout_rate = x$dropout_rate
# Cut after 200 events and do a stratified logrank test
sim |>
cut_data_by_event(200) |> # Cut data
wlr(weight = fh(rho = 0, gamma = 0)) # Stratified logrank
#> $method
#> [1] "WLR"
#> $parameter
#> [1] "FH(rho=0, gamma=0)"
#> $estimate
#> [1] 0.269558
#> $se
#> [1] 7.030336
#> $z
#> [1] -0.03834212
#> $info
#> [1] 49.92
#> $info0
#> [1] 50