Prepare datasets for AE specific subgroup analysis
Prepare datasets for AE specific subgroup analysis
- meta
A metadata object created by metalite.
- population
A character value of population term name. The term name is used as key to link information.
- observation
A character value of observation term name. The term name is used as key to link information.
- parameter
A character value of parameter term name. The term name is used as key to link information.
- subgroup_var
A character value of subgroup variable name in observation data saved in
.- subgroup_header
A character vector for column header hierarchy. The first element will be the first level header and the second element will be second level header.
- components
A character vector of components name.
- display_subgroup_total
Logical. Display total column for subgroup analysis or not.
meta <- meta_ae_example()
prepare_ae_specific_subgroup(meta, "apat", "wk12", "rel", subgroup_var = "SEX")$data