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Convert summary table to a gt object


as_gt(x, ...)

# S3 method for class 'simtrial_gs_wlr'
  title = "Summary of simulation results by WLR tests",
  subtitle = NULL,



A object returned by summary().


Additional parameters (not used).


Title of the gt table.


Subtitle of the gt table.


A gt table.

A gt table summarizing the simulation results.


# Parameters for enrollment
enroll_rampup_duration <- 4 # Duration for enrollment ramp up
enroll_duration <- 16 # Total enrollment duration
enroll_rate <- gsDesign2::define_enroll_rate(
  duration = c(
    enroll_rampup_duration, enroll_duration - enroll_rampup_duration),
 rate = c(10, 30))

# Parameters for treatment effect
delay_effect_duration <- 3 # Delay treatment effect in months
median_ctrl <- 9 # Survival median of the control arm
median_exp <- c(9, 14) # Survival median of the experimental arm
dropout_rate <- 0.001
fail_rate <- gsDesign2::define_fail_rate(
  duration = c(delay_effect_duration, 100),
  fail_rate = log(2) / median_ctrl,
  hr = median_ctrl / median_exp,
  dropout_rate = dropout_rate)

# Other related parameters
alpha <- 0.025 # Type I error
beta <- 0.1 # Type II error
ratio <- 1 # Randomization ratio (experimental:control)

# Build a one-sided group sequential design
design <- gsDesign2::gs_design_ahr(
  enroll_rate = enroll_rate, fail_rate = fail_rate,
  ratio = ratio, alpha = alpha, beta = beta,
  analysis_time = c(12, 24, 36),
  upper = gsDesign2::gs_spending_bound,
  upar = list(sf = gsDesign::sfLDOF, total_spend = alpha),
  lower = gsDesign2::gs_b,
  lpar = rep(-Inf, 3))

# Define cuttings of 2 IAs and 1 FA
ia1_cut <- create_cut(target_event_overall = ceiling(design$analysis$event[1]))
ia2_cut <- create_cut(target_event_overall = ceiling(design$analysis$event[2]))
fa_cut <- create_cut(target_event_overall = ceiling(design$analysis$event[3]))

# Run simulations
simulation <- sim_gs_n(
  n_sim = 3,
  sample_size = ceiling(design$analysis$n[3]),
  enroll_rate = design$enroll_rate,
  fail_rate = design$fail_rate,
  test = wlr,
  cut = list(ia1 = ia1_cut, ia2 = ia2_cut, fa = fa_cut),
  weight = fh(rho = 0, gamma = 0.5))
#> Backend uses sequential processing.
#> Loading required package: foreach
#> Loading required package: future

# Summarize simulations
simulation |>
 summary(bound = gsDesign::gsDesign(k = 3, test.type = 1, sfu = gsDesign::sfLDOF)$upper$bound) |>
Summary of simulation results by WLR tests
Weighted by FH(rho=0, gamma=0.5)
analysis Time N Event Crossing probability
1 12.20487 359.3333 97 NA
2 23.59442 505.0000 305 0.6666667
3 33.82202 505.0000 405 1.0000000
# Summarize simulations and compare with the planned design simulation |> summary(design = design) |> simtrial::as_gt()
Summary of simulation results by WLR tests
Weighted by FH(rho=0, gamma=0.5)
Probability of crossing efficacy bounds under H1
Asymptotic Simulated Asymptotic Simulated Asymptotic Simulated Asymptotic Simulated
1 12 12.20487 353.0467 359.3333 96.77458 97 0.0001486594 NA
2 24 23.59442 504.3524 505.0000 304.00996 305 0.5723215057 0.6666667
3 36 33.82202 504.3524 505.0000 404.14196 405 0.9000000002 1.0000000