Source code for rtdpy.ad_cc_funcs
"""Define PDE for closed-closed Axial Dispersion model."""
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
[docs]def diff_eq(u, pe, h):
Basic difference equation.
1/pe d^2C/dz^2 - dC/dz
return (1 / pe / h**2 * (u[0] - 2 * u[1] + u[2])
- 1 / (2 * h) * (u[2] - u[0]))
[docs]def dudt(t, u, pe, h, n, a):
Define PDE equation for AD closed-closed
dC/dTheta = 1/Pe d^2C/dz^2 - dC/dz
BC's Danckwerts:
* Upstream BC: -Cin = 1/Pe dC/dz - C (z=0)
* Impulse for Cin is approximated by an exponential with parameter a>>1
* Downstream BC: dC/dz = 0 (z=1)
tmp = np.empty_like(u)
# Finite difference equations for dimensionless equation
tmp[1:n-1] = (1 / pe / h**2 * (u[0:n - 2] - 2 * u[1:n - 1] + u[2:])
- 1 / (2 * h) * (u[2:] - u[0:n - 2]))
# Ghost node approach for setting upstream boundary condition
u_us = pe * 2 * h * a * np.exp(-a * t) + u[1] - pe * 2 * h * u[0]
tmp[0] = diff_eq([u_us, u[0], u[1]], pe, h)
# Ghost node approach for seeting downstream boundary condition
u_ds = u[n-2]
tmp[n-1] = diff_eq([u[n-2], u[n-1], u_ds], pe, h)
return tmp
[docs]def jac(t, u, pe, h, n, a):
Define Jacobian for AD closed-closed
tmp = np.zeros([n, n])
for i in range(n - 2):
j = i + 1
tmp[j, j - 1] = 1 / pe / h ** 2 + 1 / (2 * h)
tmp[j, j] = -2 / pe / h ** 2
tmp[j, j + 1] = 1 / pe / h ** 2 - 1 / (2 * h)
# Upstream node with ghost node
tmp[0, 0] = 1 / pe / h ** 2 * (-2 - pe * 2 * h) - pe
tmp[0, 1] = 2 / pe / h ** 2
# Downstream node with ghost node
tmp[n - 1, n - 1] = -2 / pe / h ** 2
tmp[n - 1, n - 2] = 2 / pe / h ** 2
return csr_matrix(tmp)