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Example overview

In a 2-arm controlled clinical trial example with one primary endpoint, there are 3 patient populations defined by the status of two biomarkers A and B:

  • biomarker A positive,
  • biomarker B positive,
  • overall population.

The 3 primary elementary hypotheses are:

  • \(H_1\): the experimental treatment is superior to the control in the biomarker A positive population;
  • \(H_2\): the experimental treatment is superior to the control in the biomarker B positive population;
  • \(H_3\): the experimental treatment is superior to the control in the overall population.

Assume an interim analysis and a final analysis are planned for the study and the number of events are listed as

k <- 2 # Number of total analysis
n_hypotheses <- 3 # Number of hypotheses

Observed p-values

obs_tbl <- tribble(
  ~hypothesis, ~analysis, ~obs_p,
  "H1", 1, 0.02,
  "H2", 1, 0.01,
  "H3", 1, 0.006,
  "H1", 2, 0.015,
  "H2", 2, 0.012,
  "H3", 2, 0.004
) %>%
  mutate(obs_Z = -qnorm(obs_p))

obs_tbl %>%
  gt() %>%
  tab_header(title = "Nominal p-values")
Nominal p-values
hypothesis analysis obs_p obs_Z
H1 1 0.020 2.053749
H2 1 0.010 2.326348
H3 1 0.006 2.512144
H1 2 0.015 2.170090
H2 2 0.012 2.257129
H3 2 0.004 2.652070
p_obs_IA <- (obs_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1))$obs_p
p_obs_FA <- (obs_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2))$obs_p

Information fraction

alpha <- 0.025
event_tbl <- tribble(
  ~population, ~analysis, ~event,
  "A positive", 1, 80,
  "B positive", 1, 88,
  "AB positive", 1, 64,
  "overall", 1, 180,
  "A positive", 2, 160,
  "B positive", 2, 176,
  "AB positive", 2, 128,
  "overall", 2, 360,

The information fraction of \(H_1\), \(H_2\), \(H_3\) at IA is

IF_IA <- c(
  ((event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "A positive"))$event + (event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "overall"))$event) /
    ((event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "A positive"))$event + (event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "overall"))$event),
  ((event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "B positive"))$event + (event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "overall"))$event) /
    ((event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "B positive"))$event + (event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "overall"))$event),
  ((event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "AB positive"))$event + (event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "overall"))$event) /
    ((event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "AB positive"))$event + (event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "overall"))$event)

## [1] 0.5 0.5 0.5

Initial weight and transition matrix

We assign the initial weights of \(H_1\), \(H_2\), \(H_3\) as \(\left(w_1(I), w_2(I), w_3(I) \right) = (0.3, 0.3, 0.4).\) And its multiplicity strategy is visualized in below. If \(H_1\) is rejected, then \(3/7\) local significance level \(\alpha_1\) will be propagated to \(H_2\), and \(4/7\) will go to \(H_3\). If \(H_3\) is rejected, then half of \(\alpha_3\) goes to \(H_1\), and half goes to \(H_2\).

m <- matrix(c( # Transition matrix
  0, 3 / 7, 4 / 7,
  3 / 7, 0, 4 / 7,
  1 / 2, 1 / 2, 0
), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)

w <- c(0.3, 0.3, 0.4) # Initial weights
name_hypotheses <- c(
  "H1: Biomarker A positive",
  "H2: Biomarker B positive",
  "H3: Overall Population"

hplot <- gMCPLite::hGraph(
  alphaHypotheses = w, m = m,
  nameHypotheses = name_hypotheses, trhw = .2, trhh = .1,
  digits = 5, trdigits = 3, size = 5, halfWid = 1, halfHgt = 0.5,
  offset = 0.2, trprop = 0.4,
  fill = as.factor(c(2, 3, 1)),
  palette = c("#BDBDBD", "#E0E0E0", "#EEEEEE"),
  wchar = "w"

# Get weights for all intersection hypotheses
graph <- gMCPLite::matrix2graph(m)
graph <- gMCPLite::setWeights(graph, w)
# Set up hypothetical p-values (0 or 1) to obtain all combinations
pvals <- NULL
for (i in 1:n_hypotheses) {
  if (i == 1) {
    pvals <- data.frame(x = c(0, 1))
    names(pvals) <- paste("pval_H", i, sep = "")
  } else {
    tmp <- data.frame(x = c(0, 1))
    names(tmp) <- paste("pval_H", i, sep = "")
    pvals <- merge(pvals, tmp)
# Get the weights for each intersection hypothesis
inter_weight <- NULL # Create an empty table to store the weight of interaction hypotheses
for (i in seq_len(nrow(pvals))) { # Each row in `pvals` is 1 possible interaction hypothesis
  pval_tmp <- as.numeric(pvals[i, ])
  graph_tmp <- gMCPLite::gMCP(graph = graph, pvalues = pval_tmp, alpha = alpha)
  weight_tmp <- gMCPLite::getWeights(graph_tmp)
  inter_weight <- dplyr::bind_rows(inter_weight, weight_tmp)

inter_weight <- replace(inter_weight, pvals == 0, NA) # Replace the empty hypothesis as NA
inter_weight <- inter_weight[-1, ] # Delete the first row since it is empty set

inter_weight %>%
  gt() %>%
  tab_header("Weight of all possible interaction hypothesis")
Weight of all possible interaction hypothesis
H1 H2 H3
1.0000000 NA NA
NA 1.0000000 NA
0.5000000 0.5000000 NA
NA NA 1.0000000
0.4285714 NA 0.5714286
NA 0.4285714 0.5714286
0.3000000 0.3000000 0.4000000


The correlation of the 6 statistic (2 analyses \(\times\) 3 hypotheses) are

# Event count of intersection of paired hypotheses - Table 2
# H1, H2: Hypotheses intersected.
# (1, 1) represents counts for hypothesis 1
# (1, 2) for counts for the intersection of hypotheses 1 and 2
event <- tribble(
  ~H1, ~H2, ~Analysis, ~Event,
  1, 1, 1, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "A positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  2, 2, 1, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "B positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  3, 3, 1, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "overall") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  1, 2, 1, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "AB positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  1, 3, 1, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "A positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  2, 3, 1, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 1, population == "B positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  1, 1, 2, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "A positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  2, 2, 2, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "B positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  3, 3, 2, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "overall") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  1, 2, 2, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "AB positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  1, 3, 2, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "A positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric(),
  2, 3, 2, event_tbl %>% filter(analysis == 2, population == "B positive") %>% select(event) %>% as.numeric()
## # A tibble: 12 × 4
##       H1    H2 Analysis Event
##    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
##  1     1     1        1    80
##  2     2     2        1    88
##  3     3     3        1   180
##  4     1     2        1    64
##  5     1     3        1    80
##  6     2     3        1    88
##  7     1     1        2   160
##  8     2     2        2   176
##  9     3     3        2   360
## 10     1     2        2   128
## 11     1     3        2   160
## 12     2     3        2   176
# Generate correlation from events
corr <- wpgsd::generate_corr(event)
corr %>% round(2)
##      H1_A1 H2_A1 H3_A1 H1_A2 H2_A2 H3_A2
## [1,]  1.00  0.76  0.67  0.71  0.54  0.47
## [2,]  0.76  1.00  0.70  0.54  0.71  0.49
## [3,]  0.67  0.70  1.00  0.47  0.49  0.71
## [4,]  0.71  0.54  0.47  1.00  0.76  0.67
## [5,]  0.54  0.71  0.49  0.76  1.00  0.70
## [6,]  0.47  0.49  0.71  0.67  0.70  1.00

Boundary calculation

Boundary of \(H_1\)

For the elementary hypothesis \(H_1\), its weight is 1, namely,

w_H1 <- 1

# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H1", colnames(corr))
corr_H1 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H1 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[1],
  n.I = corr_H1[, ncol(corr_H1)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H1[1],
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

ans <- tibble(
  Analysis = 1:2,
  `Interaction/Elementary hypotheses` = "H1",
  `H1 p-value boundary` = pval_H1,
  `H2 p-value boundary` = NA,
  `H3 p-value boundary` = NA
ans %>% gt()
Analysis Interaction/Elementary hypotheses H1 p-value boundary H2 p-value boundary H3 p-value boundary
1 H1 0.002980073 NA NA
2 H1 0.023788266 NA NA

Boundary of \(H_2\)

For the elementary hypothesis \(H_2\), its weight is 1, namely,

w_H2 <- 1

# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H2", colnames(corr))
corr_H2 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H2 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[2],
  n.I = corr_H2[, ncol(corr_H2)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H2[1],
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

ans_new <- tibble(
  Analysis = 1:2,
  `Interaction/Elementary hypotheses` = "H2",
  `H1 p-value boundary` = NA,
  `H2 p-value boundary` = pval_H2,
  `H3 p-value boundary` = NA
ans_new %>% gt()
Analysis Interaction/Elementary hypotheses H1 p-value boundary H2 p-value boundary H3 p-value boundary
1 H2 NA 0.002980073 NA
2 H2 NA 0.023788266 NA
ans <- rbind(ans, ans_new)

Boundary of \(H_3\)

For the elementary hypothesis \(H_3\), its weight is 1, namely,

w_H3 <- 1

# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H3", colnames(corr))
corr_H3 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H3 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[3],
  n.I = corr_H3[, ncol(corr_H3)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H3[1],
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

ans_new <- tibble(
  Analysis = 1:2,
  `Interaction/Elementary hypotheses` = "H3",
  `H1 p-value boundary` = NA,
  `H2 p-value boundary` = NA,
  `H3 p-value boundary` = pval_H1
ans_new %>% gt()
Analysis Interaction/Elementary hypotheses H1 p-value boundary H2 p-value boundary H3 p-value boundary
1 H3 NA NA 0.002980073
2 H3 NA NA 0.023788266
ans <- rbind(ans, ans_new)

Boundary of \(H_1 \cap H_2\)

For the interaction hypothesis \(H_1 \cap H_2\), its weight is

w_H12 <- inter_weight %>% filter(!, !,
w_H12 <- w_H12[(!] # Remove NA from weight
## [1] 0.5 0.5

And the boundary for \(H_1\) and \(H_2\) are

# -------------#
#      H1      #
# -------------#
# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H1", colnames(corr))
corr_H1 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H1 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[1],
  n.I = corr_H1[, ncol(corr_H1)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H12[1], # alpha is different since the weight is updated
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

# -------------#
#      H2      #
# -------------#
# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H2", colnames(corr))
corr_H2 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H2 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[2],
  n.I = corr_H2[, ncol(corr_H2)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H12[2], # alpha is different since the weight is updated
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

ans_new <- tibble(
  Analysis = 1:2,
  `Interaction/Elementary hypotheses` = "H1, H2",
  `H1 p-value boundary` = pval_H1,
  `H2 p-value boundary` = pval_H2,
  `H3 p-value boundary` = NA
ans_new %>% gt()
Analysis Interaction/Elementary hypotheses H1 p-value boundary H2 p-value boundary H3 p-value boundary
1 H1, H2 0.001490037 0.001490037 NA
2 H1, H2 0.011782800 0.011782800 NA
ans <- rbind(ans, ans_new)

Boundary of \(H_1 \cap H_3\)

For the interaction hypothesis \(H_1 \cap H_2\), its weight is

w_H13 <- inter_weight %>% filter(!,, !
w_H13 <- w_H13[(!] # Remove NA from weight
## [1] 0.4285714 0.5714286

And the boundary for \(H_1\) and \(H_3\) are

# -------------#
#      H1      #
# -------------#
# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H1", colnames(corr))
corr_H1 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H1 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[1],
  n.I = corr_H1[, ncol(corr_H1)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H13[1], # alpha is different since the weight is updated
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

# -------------#
#      H3      #
# -------------#
# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H3", colnames(corr))
corr_H3 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H3 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[3],
  n.I = corr_H3[, ncol(corr_H3)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H13[2], # alpha is different since the weight is updated
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

ans_new <- tibble(
  Analysis = 1:2,
  `Interaction/Elementary hypotheses` = "H1, H3",
  `H1 p-value boundary` = pval_H1,
  `H2 p-value boundary` = NA,
  `H3 p-value boundary` = pval_H3
ans_new %>% gt()
Analysis Interaction/Elementary hypotheses H1 p-value boundary H2 p-value boundary H3 p-value boundary
1 H1, H3 0.001277174 NA 0.001702899
2 H1, H3 0.010079863 NA 0.013489389
ans <- rbind(ans, ans_new)

Boundary of \(H_2 \cap H_3\)

For the interaction hypothesis \(H_2 \cap H_3\), its weight is

w_H23 <- inter_weight %>% filter(, !, !
w_H23 <- w_H23[(!] # Remove NA from weight
## [1] 0.4285714 0.5714286

And the boundary for \(H_2\) and \(H_3\) are

# -------------#
#      H2      #
# -------------#
# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H2", colnames(corr))
corr_H2 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H2 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[2],
  n.I = corr_H2[, ncol(corr_H2)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H23[1], # alpha is different since the weight is updated
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

# -------------#
#      H3      #
# -------------#
# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H3", colnames(corr))
corr_H3 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H3 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[3],
  n.I = corr_H3[, ncol(corr_H3)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H23[2], # alpha is different since the weight is updated
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

ans_new <- tibble(
  Analysis = 1:2,
  `Interaction/Elementary hypotheses` = "H2, H3",
  `H1 p-value boundary` = NA,
  `H2 p-value boundary` = pval_H2,
  `H3 p-value boundary` = pval_H3
ans_new %>% gt()
Analysis Interaction/Elementary hypotheses H1 p-value boundary H2 p-value boundary H3 p-value boundary
1 H2, H3 NA 0.001277174 0.001702899
2 H2, H3 NA 0.010079863 0.013489389
ans <- rbind(ans, ans_new)

Boundary of \(H1 \cap H_2 \cap H_3\)

For the interaction hypothesis \(H_1 \cap H_2\), its weight is

w_H123 <- inter_weight %>% filter(!, !, !
w_H123 <- w_H123[(!] # Remove NA from weight
## [1] 0.3 0.3 0.4

And the boundary for \(H_1\), \(H_2\), and \(H_3\) are

# -------------#
#      H1      #
# -------------#
# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H1", colnames(corr))
corr_H1 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H1 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[1],
  n.I = corr_H1[, ncol(corr_H1)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H123[1], # alpha is different since the weight is updated
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

# -------------#
#      H2      #
# -------------#
# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H2", colnames(corr))
corr_H2 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H2 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[2],
  n.I = corr_H2[, ncol(corr_H2)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H123[1], # alpha is different since the weight is updated
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

# -------------#
#      H3      #
# -------------#
# Index to select from the correlation matrix
indx <- grep("H3", colnames(corr))
corr_H3 <- corr[indx, indx]

# Boundary for a single hypothesis across k for the intersection hypothesis
pval_H3 <- 1 - pnorm(gsDesign::gsDesign(
  k = k,
  test.type = 1,
  usTime = IF_IA[3],
  n.I = corr_H3[, ncol(corr_H3)]^2,
  alpha = alpha * w_H123[3], # alpha is different since the weight is updated
  sfu = sfHSD,
  sfupar = -4

ans_new <- tibble(
  Analysis = 1:2,
  `Interaction/Elementary hypotheses` = "H1, H2, H3",
  `H1 p-value boundary` = pval_H1,
  `H2 p-value boundary` = pval_H2,
  `H3 p-value boundary` = pval_H3
ans_new %>% gt()
Analysis Interaction/Elementary hypotheses H1 p-value boundary H2 p-value boundary H3 p-value boundary
1 H1, H2, H3 0.0008940219 0.0008940219 0.001192029
2 H1, H2, H3 0.0070254979 0.0070254979 0.009399818
ans <- rbind(ans, ans_new)


With the p-value boundaries, one can get the Z-statistics boundaries by qnorm().

ans %>%
    `H1 Z-statistics boundary` = -qnorm(`H1 p-value boundary`),
    `H1 Z-statistics boundary` = -qnorm(`H2 p-value boundary`),
    `H1 Z-statistics boundary` = -qnorm(`H3 p-value boundary`)
  ) %>%
  arrange(Analysis, `Interaction/Elementary hypotheses`) %>%
  gt() %>%
  tab_header("p-values/Z-statistics boundaries of weighted Bonferroni")
p-values/Z-statistics boundaries of weighted Bonferroni
Analysis Interaction/Elementary hypotheses H1 p-value boundary H2 p-value boundary H3 p-value boundary H1 Z-statistics boundary
1 H1 0.0029800731 NA NA NA
1 H1, H2 0.0014900365 0.0014900365 NA NA
1 H1, H2, H3 0.0008940219 0.0008940219 0.001192029 3.037681
1 H1, H3 0.0012771742 NA 0.001702899 2.928520
1 H2 NA 0.0029800731 NA NA
1 H2, H3 NA 0.0012771742 0.001702899 2.928520
1 H3 NA NA 0.002980073 2.749966
2 H1 0.0237882657 NA NA NA
2 H1, H2 0.0117828003 0.0117828003 NA NA
2 H1, H2, H3 0.0070254979 0.0070254979 0.009399818 2.349480
2 H1, H3 0.0100798631 NA 0.013489389 2.211825
2 H2 NA 0.0237882657 NA NA
2 H2, H3 NA 0.0100798631 0.013489389 2.211825
2 H3 NA NA 0.023788266 1.981131

Implementation in wpgsd

The above results can be computed in one function call in wpgsd by using the generate_bounds() function as

  type = 0,
  k = 2,
  w = w,
  m = m,
  corr = corr,
  alpha = 0.025,
  sf = list(sfHSD, sfHSD, sfHSD),
  sfparm = list(-4, -4, -4),
  t = list(c(0.5, 1), c(0.5, 1), c(0.5, 1))
) %>% gt()
Analysis Hypotheses H1 H2 H3
1 H1 0.0029800731 NA NA
1 H1, H2 0.0014900365 0.0014900365 NA
1 H1, H2, H3 0.0008940219 0.0008940219 0.001192029
1 H1, H3 0.0012771742 NA 0.001702899
1 H2 NA 0.0029800731 NA
1 H2, H3 NA 0.0012771742 0.001702899
1 H3 NA NA 0.002980073
2 H1 0.0237882657 NA NA
2 H1, H2 0.0117828003 0.0117828003 NA
2 H1, H2, H3 0.0070254979 0.0070254979 0.009399818
2 H1, H3 0.0100798631 NA 0.013489389
2 H2 NA 0.0237882657 NA
2 H2, H3 NA 0.0100798631 0.013489389
2 H3 NA NA 0.023788266